untitled 2

untitled 2

A Poem by Penny Ellen

I hate discrimination. Can you tell?


It’s another loaded gun aimed and set to kill

And the hypocrites who taught us ‘love thy neighbor’ are the ones with fingers on the trigger.
The playgrounds where no one knew or cared how different we were from each other
Have become the slaying grounds for the unique.
There is no love in a world promoting hatred,
No acceptance when discrimination becomes propaganda.
What have we done to attain shame for our freedom?
What started this war against unity?
It’s another time bomb with a minute until detonation
And the leaders of undue judgment are the ones who assembled this explosive device.
What do they think happens when they disapprove of what’s unable to be changed,
When they put reasons to use hate in children’s hands?
There is nothing so cold as expulsion from mankind,
Being given no encouragement and being forced into “rehabilitation”.
What makes it adult to put others “in their place”?
When has battle solved this before?

© 2008 Penny Ellen

My Review

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Very powerful statement made here. Very potent! More people should look in the mirror before judging! I can't even put a finger on my favorite lines as I love them all!

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Exactly! You said a lot in only a few short lines. Nice write.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on March 25, 2008


Penny Ellen
Penny Ellen

Misplaced, AR

****I HAVE MOVED TO WORDPRESS**** ***Check out my NEW poetry page at lividsanguine.WordPress.com *** I am vile, highly opinionated, stubborn, and more often than not, a little bit insane. But hey,.. more..

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