Are We

Are We

A Poem by Rob Taylor

Just who we are,
where do we come from.


Are we the creation,
of a powerful GOD.


Or are we just,
as science proclaims.


The creature which climbed,
From deep salty seas.


To change and in time,
no longer crawl in the sand.


but rise up and become,
a creature who stands.


Over time we can't measure,
Have come to be more than we were.


Learn'd to laugh and to smile,
Learn'd to speak and to build.


Oh look up to to the stars,
In nights sky high above.


Who we are, what we are,
Do we know, do we care.


While we learn and we grow,
This wild ride we're all on.


We laugh sometime, and cry sometime too,
I know that someday, Yes, I will die.


So friend please take my hand,
New adventure let's share.


Find a star in the sky,
The third one there on the right.


Sprinkle on some fine Pixie Dust.
We can be there tonight.


Who are we, do you wonder?



© 2008 Rob Taylor

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Nicely done. I vote for God created, but of course you know that.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on July 26, 2008


Rob Taylor
Rob Taylor

Near Seattle, WA

Very old but not cranky, well most of the time, retired free to live, and to eat what I like. Tho a spouse, who feeds me, many green leaves, and tomatoes, and carrots, all raw but it's good. I look.. more..


A Poem by Rob Taylor


A Poem by Rob Taylor