I am Penthos (Grief)

I am Penthos (Grief)

A Poem by Rick Puetter

I am the way into the doleful city, I am the way into eternal grief, I am the way to a forsaken race. Dantes Inferno.


Angel of grief, a 1894 sculpture by William Wetmore Story which serves as the grave stone of the artist and his wife Emelyn at the Protestant Cemetery, Rome. Photograph by Alessio Damato (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Alejo2083). This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/)


I am Penthos1 (Grief)
"I am the way into the doleful city, I am the way into eternal grief,
I am the way to a forsaken race...Abandon all hope, ye who enter
here."  -- Dante’s Inferno. 
Recollection has paled.
When did I arise?
In ages dim, I think.
But I awoke with Man.
The Greeks did first name Me.
But I was here before then.
In darker ages I arose.
In deeper mists I was formed.
I remember not,
But now I am here.
...And here I live and feed on Man!
I burst full formed onto Life.
I am Penthos.
I am the despair that men fear.
I am grief.
I am utter abandonment of hope.
I am worse than death,
For I give no mercy.
I am relentless.
I revel in despair and wailing.
Sweet is the sound of gnashing teeth.
Sweet are the sounds of beaten breast,
The palpitations of unending pain.
I am death without release.
I am suffering without recourse.
I am pain without redress.
I wallow in utter ruin to person,
Dissolution of hope and humanity,
Reduction to hovelling mass,
Ruination for ruination’s sake,
Beyond any hope of reprieve.
And I cannot be defeated.
I have crossed the river Acheron
And walked the circles of hell,
Sucking marrow from bones of men.
I make men hollow.
This is to my liking.
Hopelessness sweetens the meat!
Despair sings to Me.
It beckons “Satisfy your hunger!”
And I feast.
But bring not hope!
Bring not love.
Bring not that which lifts the Spirit.
I like them not!
Love’s hope, it burns Me.
Bring not that which harms Me,
That which pushes back my darkness.
Still, Man is weak.
Many have tried to contain Me,
Many to defeat Me.
But my power is old.
I cannot be vanquished.
I am your own.
I live in your fears.
I thrive through heartbreak,
And human condition.
You can’t dismiss Me,
For I am within you.
I am part of your soul.
You have fashioned Me
And I am fully yours.
I am Penthos,
Last of the gods to answer Zeus.
Through world of Man I roam,
Suckling on Man’s weakness.
For I am GRIEF,
And in life you cannot escape Me.
©2009, Richard Puetter
All rights reserved


[1]Penthos is the greek god of grief. He was the last god to answer the call of Zeus when Zeus was appointing responsibilities to the gods and so only grief and despair were left when Penthos arrived.

© 2016 Rick Puetter

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Superb! This poem shows such a complete understanding of Grief, one of the rawest emotions that can be felt. It is true, that in any life Grief cannot be avoided. I love especially that you personified this, and referenced it to the Greek myth of Penthos. It just enforces the feeling of how inescapable it is, and how deeply tangible it can be. An awe-inspiring write, thank you.

Posted 9 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


very nice. Not often that you see a writer take on a topic like this.
Very nicely put together and interesting to read. Well done.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

So true of grief, as we live we will always encounter grief. Too be truly helpless to human beings who make their way with disregard of their fellow human beings for recognition or for tribute. Thanks for your words my friend.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Dear Rick!

Your write is an absolutely astounding tribute/teaching to and about the emotion of grief!

You, as always, have taught the reader much of the topic's origins and is one of the reasons why I so enjoy your poetry, as it is always indepth and meticulously researched, and then artfully presented.

You have grief asking the questions of man, of the universe, of consciousness, and then exploring the options, as who "I AM" is observed and accepted.....exactly as the scientist would do. This gives the reader such a clear look at each speculation, thought, option of who/what grief is, how grief came to be.

Each verse is carefully presented, philosophy contemplated, answers searched for, and passages that tell us of how grief adamantly states that it is victorious over men as they are weak, and accepts its own power, yet in a way, if one were to delve deeper into its words, it in the beginning does acknowledge lack of knowledge as to its beginnings so this might be perceived as a "lack of", a sort of weakness...but it accepts this not and forges on to reinforce its power and eternal existence.

Also powerful is the declaration that grief is worse than death...ah, power over death! One should savor death rather than the curse of grief.....this accentuates the depth of its pain to man. It is also interesting that it was the last to sumit to Zeus - again, acknowledging its tenacity, its "forever" state.

I know I always pick favorites of your poetry...and this is surely one as grief and I are familiar partners....you have captured the feelings in a way that will surely cause a reader to think back to your words when wallowing in the grips of this foe!

I must memorize this piece and keep it close in my thinking for as I utter these words, I may for a brief moment have power of it! As I recite, I may hurl words at it.....release pain as its existence is tossed to and fro.....as I shout, "Away from me Penthos"....I am victorious over you for a time...flee from me...yet, I know you shall return as I am weaker while you are ever stronger...it is your fate, your destiny. Meager man wanes in your presence!"

Excellent write!!

Best Regards,


Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

phenomonal piece of poetry rick, the flow has the ability to lock on to the reader and
take the heart on a journey through transgressional mythology with captivating feature. A pleasure to read.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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I was unaware of who Penthos was, so I looked him up.

A beautifully written ode and I love the photo you selected.


Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

wow deep lol

Posted 14 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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46 Reviews
Shelved in 5 Libraries
Added on August 5, 2009
Last Updated on May 26, 2016


Rick Puetter
Rick Puetter

San Diego, CA

So what's the most important thing to say about myself? I guess the overarching aspect of my personality is that I am a scientist, an astrophysicist to be precise. Not that I am touting science.. more..
