King Darka And The Oracles Of Phoenicia

King Darka And The Oracles Of Phoenicia

A Story by Sami Khalil

Fiction, fantasy, suspense.


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 {King Darka and the oracles of Phoenicia}                                    By Sami Khalil


He summoned his wise council. His fear was that the kingdom he built, with blood and toil, will become moth to raging flames (of war).

Mayhem and distress will be prevalent all over, with stirring sentiments of the populace, shaking some realities to the core.

The mighty and feared army of (Afire) was surrounding the homeland from all sides. They were like an island now within the blockade, sitting ducks for the sport. Kingdom of Afire had found easy ways for instant wealth at hand, conquering their enemy, grabbing all the precious stones that built their houses (Like the Taj Mahal of famed India), stealing most possessions, then to run away with, enjoying the fruits thereof.

After descanting lengthily about the impending doom, wearing a fine robe of the highest linen, an Eagle and Hawk talons on his neck as a charm on a necklace, a ring with blinding rays of color (for official signature), king Darka asked them (the wise council) for any advice or an idea to follow. A lot were at stake here.

Much was riding on the outcome. Having known his wife (Queen Horea) was barren, no means of defending arms, he had to come up swiftly with a solution. His chief advisor Nabata, after intoning a deep prayer, suggested a route he knew to Phoenicia by sea, a three-day trip, to

meet King Hiram, asking for help and council.

They had heard of the famed oracles of Baal that exceeded all wisdom and philosophy of the ancients. King Darka loved the idea, proceeded with fine gifts to King Hiram along with his wife. Upon arrival, he was given an opulent reception, then whisked away to " Cedar Mountain” to meet Mia, the sorceress, offering him council and signs, only after mystic moon sightings.

After assembling some spirits, lifting up the evil eye papyrus, she declared:


“I will give you a sword of light. I know your

 enemy possesses mighty swords of iron. This

 sword of light has many magical powers. You

 can only use it for just causes. It can stop evil

 doers. It can cause some maelstroms that will

 drown your enemy. In other words, you can

 control the elements. Every time you slay a

 demon, you gain an ally of angels. It is the hope

 that keeps on hoping. The noble might that

 knows no flight. This enemy is a test from your

 God. You can’t keep the stars unattended for

 The God will be offended. Unless you turn to

 Him, all your finery will turn to misery. All your

 revelry will be a mockery. I will send you back

 on a cumulus cloud, floating along and

 surveying your people, then you must need to

 come down (from your throne) with the rain

 nourishing the roots of your homeland. Be

 neither a clown nor a frown man. Only then you

 can use the sword.”

Instantly it was done as advised and was standing at the seashore facing his enemy. He pointed the sword towards them, tempest ranging in the distance, waterongregating

 higher and higher, across peaks and jagged rocks, rousing the maelstrom over to drown the enemy completely. The sea became a graveyard to those involved in evil comradeship.

He praised God for the victory for it stonewashed all their fears, repenting from all the vainglory, singing songs of joy with his people across undulant fields. 

He remembered that as Phoenicia gave us
 language and books from the town of Byblos, it gave also the sword of light. Come to find out, whichever belly touches the sword, it will surely be fruitful.

Miracles kept multiplying.

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© 2018 Sami Khalil

My Review

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this takes the reader to other bygone realms, the fantastical imagery, characters, senses and dialogue engages the reader.

this story to me is somewhat reminiscent of King Solomon and his ring/72 demons he was able to conjure & capture. ~ tho this is really in its own galaxy.

i thank you for allowing us a visit!
amazing write...i will have to visit the prologue/first chapter, v. soon

riveting piece! :)) 🌌

Posted 6 Years Ago

ms. barrie

6 Years Ago

you’re so very welcomed, Sami...always a pleasure— as i am as well, fascinated with ancient wisd.. read more
Sami Khalil

6 Years Ago

Wow! Wonderful. I might check it one day. Gracias and peace.
ms. barrie

6 Years Ago

de nada ~ much peace back! 💫
you see i was right the ending never came. Sami took everyone on the rocket ship to find him again and again!


Posted 6 Years Ago

Sami Khalil

6 Years Ago

Hahaha. Thank you so much Alfred Kubitz for this wonderful review and kindness. I hope Hollywood com.. read more
A sequel to my story
The Shimmers

Posted 6 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on May 9, 2018
Last Updated on August 31, 2018


Sami Khalil
Sami Khalil

Tuscaloosa, AL
