People Suck

People Suck

A Poem by Sarah Lynn

I'm done with love , its nothing but a joke.
You'll feel like everything's going the right way till something comes barreling along,
Causing you to freeze up and choke.
No one cares about your feelings, so don't ever think anyone will.
You're the only person in this world that will ever care how you feel. 
Its better to just stay away from love, and ya know what? 
Stay away from friendships too.
No one in this world will ever care about you but you.
You're the only person that can ever make you happy.
So just stay away from people ,there's no need for them .
All people cause is heartache.
All people cause is disappointment.
People suck. 

© 2013 Sarah Lynn

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I liked it was hardcore, I think you meant to say I'm done with love. I do like your poem and agree you have to see a lot for yourself , but ya cant void people out, I don't run to every ones aid when something happens but that's just me , But I love being there for people. Society can hurt you bad , but ya cant allow it. Killem with love and kindness, and if all else fails with that, Than hey they make sledge hammers too:)

Posted 10 Years Ago

I agree that sometimes people can suck. But what evens it out, for me, is that sometimes people can also be amazing and do amazing things. They can be selfless and compassionate and beautiful inside and out (and there are some people who care more about the former than the latter). I put up with all the crap for just those few miraculous moments where true humanity shines through ^-^

As for your poem:
I like how you address the reader with "you". It helps to draw us in and makes us listen/pay attention to your pain (and to really hear the anger). And the last line is perfect in its bluntness. It drives home the message. As I read it I pictured someone coming home in a huff and writing this in a rage; so the tone of your poem is very evident, well done :)

Constructive criticism:
I believe you meant "I'm done with love". You're grammar seems almost impeccable, so I believe it was a typo :P

Keep up the great writing and I hope the anger (if you're the speaker) passes :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

Sarah Lynn

10 Years Ago

Thank you for the review ! Im glad that this poem has so much emotion in it with such a small amount.. read more

10 Years Ago

It certainly DOES have a lot of emotion ^-^ You're welcome! Keep up the great writing!
This piece is just teeming with misanthropy and pain. I can tell this comes from a place of deep hurt, most likely betrayal or severe disappointment. Within the overall message that people suck is also the sentiment that you can only rely on yourself for your own happiness and well-being, and that you should forsake everyone else. While that is true to a certain extent, people are selfish and hurtful and you should take care of yourself, there is something we must all realize.

Selfishness breeds more of the same. Closing oneself off and pulling away from others only ensures that someday, possibly soon, another person will be writing this very same poem, about this very same pain. The only thing to do is to break the cycle; be the person that cares for others, be the person that works hard to not disappoint. Give those around you cause for a different kind of poem.

Now normally I would point out errors and give suggestions on how you could improve this piece, but I shall refrain, as it seems you don't like when people do that. Instead I shall leave you with this.

Well done. The emotion in the piece came across strongly and I have no doubt many will tell you this poem is great and that people do suck. And to a certain extent, I do agree.


Posted 10 Years Ago

Sarah Lynn

10 Years Ago

Thank you for this review , and its alright. You can tell me what should be changed and what not , i.. read more

10 Years Ago

In that case, here are some things I noticed.

1st and 9th sentences; there is an unneed.. read more

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3 Reviews
Added on November 18, 2013
Last Updated on November 20, 2013
Tags: people, love, disappointment, depressing, poems


Sarah Lynn
Sarah Lynn

Rochester, NY

20 Years Old ! I love to just go out and have fun with my friends and boyfrined . I used to write a lot but sort of lost my way , hopefully this will get me started again! Very happy person whose .. more..

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