The Journey Of Life...

The Journey Of Life...

A Poem by Saumya

just a simple attempt to vividly look towards life...

Have you trailed through, the
storms of life..?
If no, then i will  take you there,
in the meanwhile..!

It is a journey, of infinite miles,
but  starts with a single step,
that will take you to that
world ahead..!

so, come out of your room
or house,
and get in a garden,
near your house....

Look at the beauty, over there,
observe everything deeply there......

now, if you see a butterfly,
and get that lovely smile on your face,
I'll  simply smile and tell you that,
this is how, we meet friends in our life;
who make our lives, full of surprise..!!

Now step towards a place, with
high mountains, and look at them,
this is the height, at which our aims lie,
but remember,
you always have, one way,
or the other, to reach there,
it may be  risky, and harsh,
but one day, it will lead
you to the top...!

Now, come to a place,
where needy live;
and intensely see a poor child,
I bet, you'll clearly understand,
what is  being deprived;
see their faces, and health,
and you'll know,
what is hell..!!
and this is why, we really need to help........

Now, step back to that garden,
and see if there's a rose plant;
forget every thing for a while,
and sit there, with a keen understanding,
as, here, I'll tell you something, reallly interesting,..!

first look at the stem,
long and green,
this resembles the passage of life, for
we human beings....!!
then look at the thorns,
these are  like those obstacles,
we face in life..!!
now, finally look at the flower so bright,
which is the grand result of, HOPE, STRUGGGLE, and strive...
these are the things, that literally make the flower  .....bright...!!!

And this is the process,
which we call as  LIFE.....!!
which is a journey,
of endless miles,
but really filled with delight,
which i hope,
you really enjoyed...!!!

© 2017 Saumya

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"The Journey Of Life"
The message which was real for me in reading this poem was 'stop and smell the roses.' The paddling speed at which our thoughts twirl is not conductive to pondering and finding appreciation in the day to day blessings that are all around us. The above words were an encouragement to do so, to be still and soak up good things.

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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6 Years Ago

Thanks a lot, dear Kathy! I'm indeed very glad that you liked the message of this poem :)
(((.. read more
Kathy Van Kurin

6 Years Ago

Life is so full beyond measure. Plenty of challenges for us all. I love ponder-poems .. read more


A bold statement of life and with it, a tangible grasp that the reader absorbs and dwells on x

Posted 10 Years Ago

It has a very deep meaning..very beautifully the voyage of LIFE is expressed :)
first look at the stem,
long and green,
this resembles the passage of life, for
we human beings....!!
then look at the thorns,
these are like those obstacles,
we face in life..!!
now, finally look at the flower so bright,
which is the grand result of, HOPE, STRUGGLE, and strive...
these are the things, that literally make the flower .....bright...!!!

shows the way towards optimism :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

I admire and appreciate the way you've grabbed your readers by the hand, pointing out parts of life & the world that many people don't even notice. The exclamation points add emphasis that really shows your passion for each example that you describe. As I often say, I love poetry that tells a story, and this one indeed does. Well done. :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

The digestion of words does not come freely; there is fermentation phase.

Posted 10 Years Ago

This beautifully describes life and how to savor it. I enjoyed every line :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

starts with a single step,
that will take you to that
world ahead..!

invaluable truth. good write Saumya

Posted 10 Years Ago

The meaning of this poem is beautiful, it's an authors guide to a beautiful path, something which everyone should strive for. This is a happy poem and you rarely read any happy poems on this site so I give you credit for lightening up the mood for everyone. On a critical note, i'll be honest and don't mind my honesty take it as constructive criticism but the poem had a lot of places which were repetitive. This repetitiveness took away from the poem, I'll give you an example ; When writing you don't want to state the obvious, no matter if your readers are intelligent or lack the understanding you never want them to think that they are unable to think.
"so, come out of your room
or house,
and get in a garden,
near your house...."
In this stanza you mentioned that the subject needs to come out of their room or house and get into the garden, perhaps to observe the beauty, etc.. but you mentioned the garden being near the house which caused the getting out of the house line to be repetitive. This may have not being intentional but the line near your house is not needed as the stanza makes complete sense without it. Great job writing and i'm humbled to read you. Looking forward to reading more of your work - CM.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

great write with such meaningful words well done :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

the poem is lovely... the message powerful...

Posted 10 Years Ago

A well conceived and presented poem on the issue of work and regeneration. It flows like a river down a mountainside bringing the viewer through scenes of life that puts in a capsule the simple message of self awareness and taking responsibility for oneself . Well done.

Posted 10 Years Ago

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75 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on June 1, 2013
Last Updated on September 29, 2017




Hi all:) this is me....Saumya well, i don't have much to tell you all about me.. but yes to start with, I love writing & painting.(you can find some of my paintings in the "my photos" section of.. more..

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A Poem by Saumya

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