

A Poem by Pitta S Dev

i  see a star that dropped from heavens above
sat in divine blue with angelic glory
on chair that’s so mundane but is made graceful by her touch


This cute girl with her wondrous visage resurrects dead poets to life
  hair locksaround her face like sunbathed flower is a blood veins of poet
her every glance a poem and her wink of eye is the song


She is shapely and beautiful to an onlooker
but for a poet she is a melody sweetly played in tune
and a wondrous art carefully drawn on canvas


Her dress in green drives me lively
she sat cross legged I guessed; puts the poet fingers crossed
and her gorgeous looks; Oh My God! are the waves electric


These few lines I sketched in hurry
of my imagination compact at this angelic beauty
words conceived at heart and delivered in ink.



© 2015 Pitta S Dev

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Added on January 21, 2015
Last Updated on January 21, 2015


Pitta S Dev
Pitta S Dev

Visakhapatnam, AP, India

Published a few poems in 'POET' a journal of world poetry sociey, Chennai, India. 'Longing' a novel published by Minerva Press India, New Delhi' which turned out to be a bitter experience. Has a.. more..

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A Poem by Pitta S Dev