Be_You_Tifful : Writing

A worthy woman

A worthy woman

A Poem by Be_You_Tifful

I hurt...true And yes I bleed red Southern bell thorough bred It will not come easy you must put in work but a diamond so shiny a beauty so..
Daughter of a King

Daughter of a King

A Poem by Be_You_Tifful

You won't find me on a pole I'm not a video girl Riches I do not possess Gifted instead with strength A fighter, I can stand the test I can ..


A Poem by Be_You_Tifful

When I look back on my life how some didn't treat me right huge battles I've had to fight I am blessed I thought I'd die without their love ..


A Poem by Be_You_Tifful

Pulled over the head Pulled down over the hips Exposed Running the ceiling fan to feel the breeze Breeze over curved exposure Letting some su..