Ron Hogan : Writing

A Skeptic

A Skeptic

A Poem by Ron Hogan

A skeptic I, engaging with a priest, Who looks to me and saith, "There be a God." He shows me where the rivers meet and clash, A garden giveth beau..
To My Love

To My Love

A Poem by Ron Hogan

Short but sweet.
Fear and Horror

Fear and Horror

A Poem by Ron Hogan

A sad poem (with heroic quatrains).
I Crafted the Orb

I Crafted the Orb

A Poem by Ron Hogan

free verse.
Ultimate Journey

Ultimate Journey

A Poem by Ron Hogan

A sestina of love.
Winter Love

Winter Love

A Poem by Ron Hogan

A Spenserian sonnet.


A Poem by Ron Hogan

A villanelle in iambic pentameter.