whispersoftly : Writing

Ready to Serve

Ready to Serve

A Poem by whispersoftly

Ready to Serve..... I stand before you.... shy and meek Waiting for the moment... you summon me to speak You give me that gesture.... ..


A Poem by whispersoftly

Indifferent.... How I explain myself What the years have taught me to be The hurt The struggles The confusion The manipulation The mental..


A Poem by whispersoftly

Here in front of the firelight... our bodies lay No more dreaming... for another day Your fingers trail along.... my smooth naked skin Making ..
Summer's Desire

Summer\'s Desire

A Poem by whispersoftly

Something I was inspired to write last summer on a hot summer's day....
Wanting More

Wanting More

A Poem by whispersoftly

Wanting More It starts off as a dream A fantasy if you will Your mind drifts off to a better place A sweet escape The desire builds Along wi..
Long Delicious Night

Long Delicious Night

A Poem by whispersoftly

Something I wrote sometime ago.... Not sure if this falls into story category based on how it is written
First Lust

First Lust

A Poem by whispersoftly

This is how I imagine it to be... Our first lust... Tearing at each other's clothes Tumbling onto the bed Hungry for each other Wanting to know..