rogue_butterfly : Writing

Falling from Heaven

Falling from Heaven

A Poem by rogue_butterfly

Hey I may not be the best speller but come on.
moons light

moons light

A Story by rogue_butterfly

only a short thing for a story.
In Anger and Hate

In Anger and Hate

A Poem by rogue_butterfly

mood that is flowed in me. not the best of moods
anger and hate

anger and hate

A Poem by rogue_butterfly

i am pisses at pam and this somewhat shows it


A Poem by rogue_butterfly

i got this some what from Moulin Rouge. WATCH IT, IT IS GREAT MOVIE FOR LOVE and hate.
Swimming dreams

Swimming dreams

A Poem by rogue_butterfly

mermaids are in this world but they are not seen.
inside out

inside out

A Poem by rogue_butterfly

beauty from the inside out
rain and a wanderer

rain and a wanderer

A Poem by rogue_butterfly

it is about a wanderer that returned to his home that was distroyed.
Blood Stained Sacrifice

Blood Stained Sacrifice

A Poem by rogue_butterfly

it is mostly about the last worrier who ends his life because he finds no reason to life anymore

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Know That I Too
We are never alone (a poem for mental health month)