nostalgic_mermaid : Writing



A Chapter by nostalgic_mermaid

Walking up to the school’s doors was like walking up to the beheading tower.You could almost hear the drums singing their death song to the au..
Nelicquele Omnicient

Nelicquele Omnicient

A Book by nostalgic_mermaid

this is the same thing as nelicquele, but written as third person omnicient.


A Poem by nostalgic_mermaid

Guess what I am talking about.
These Masks

These Masks

A Poem by nostalgic_mermaid

This about me. It's about my life and how I kept trying on masks, and yet could never find one that was right. And when I finally figured out that I..


A Book by nostalgic_mermaid

This my current project and I am very proud of it, but it's subject to change and mass overhauls.
Introduction/Prologue 1

Introduction/Prologue 1

A Chapter by nostalgic_mermaid

It was kind of ironic really. The first assignment in my college writing class, that is. “Describe who you are and include how and why you are w..
Into/Prologue 2

Into/Prologue 2

A Chapter by nostalgic_mermaid

Do you want to know? Do you want to understand? Do you want to discover? I dare you to read on. Will you accept?

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