P1nR1ght : Writing

Stone Trees

Stone Trees

A Story by P1nR1ght

Something I sent over texts to a friend of mine when we got bored. Tell me if you got it.


A Story by P1nR1ght

I'm in a pickle, oh yes I am. A pickle is fickle about things that are damned. Zombies, Warlocks, those bumps in the night, I don't like any of them ..


A Story by P1nR1ght

We are told, as humans, we only have so long to live. A given amount of time before we bite the dust and enter a unknown world that most of us can on..
I Like Cats

I Like Cats

A Poem by P1nR1ght

Instead of focusing on emotions and stressful things, why not make poems about whatever you're thinking?


A Poem by P1nR1ght

Words are said to flow through one's mind like water inside a lakeSuch things I wonder, do we really appropriate?My mind is like chaos, there's all so..
The Climb

The Climb

A Book by P1nR1ght

A small book i started about humans who adapted to live on top of a mountain.
The Cabbage King

The Cabbage King

A Chapter by P1nR1ght

The first chapter. Martin lives on The Climb, the last dwelling place for humankind. Now this young boy, nicknamed the "Cabbage King" will undergo the..
The Condemning

The Condemning

A Chapter by P1nR1ght

Upon surviving the encounter with the god bird, Martin wakes up in the hospital only to find he might not have survived after all.