Freedomcomes : Writing

Hope II

Hope II

A Poem by Freedomcomes

Change of heart, but on who's part?
Hope I

Hope I

A Poem by Freedomcomes

Does she read something in his eyes?


A Story by Freedomcomes

A man comes home from war and goes shopping.


A Story by Freedomcomes

A man meets a woman who is cloaked in mystery. But who is Bj�rn? A story based on Norse mythology.
Hold Me

Hold Me

A Poem by Freedomcomes

For me, this poem is about a woman who misses her past (almost abusive) relationship.
El Problema

El Problema

A Poem by Freedomcomes

This is a poem I submitted as part of my portfolio. For me, it is about a man who feels like a woman on the inside, this is shown not only through the..