Rohan Murrolet : Writing

In A Smile

In A Smile

A Poem by Rohan Murrolet

Prompt poem about love and leaving behind the one you hoped to be with.
When It All Falls Away

When It All Falls Away

A Poem by Rohan Murrolet

Asked a friend for a sentence to start and end a poem with, made this from it.


A Poem by Rohan Murrolet

A poem of sorts about my father's death and my regrets.


A Poem by Rohan Murrolet

I was reading something about slavery in an article in class and thought of this as I laid in bed unable to sleep the night before an important final ..
As The Flower Sprang From My Heart

As The Flower Sprang From My Heart

A Poem by Rohan Murrolet

This is my first poem I have written for this site. I wrote it as a way of describing love in a way that connects it to nature. Hopefully you enjoy it..