ARH : Writing

Perfect Girl

Perfect Girl

A Poem by ARH

I envy you,Perfect girl.With your perfect long hair,and your perfect smile.Why can't I be like you?Everyone knows you,everyone likes you.Your talent o..
Pa-pa (to my grandfather)

Pa-pa (to my grandfather)

A Poem by ARH

This is dedicated to my grandfather


A Poem by ARH

Just so you know, I have NOOO experience with the topic of this poem. I just thought that this must be what my mom thinks. Trust me i'm still in middl..


A Poem by ARH

One important thing you should learn to do in your life, is to value friendship. And keep your friends close.


A Poem by ARH

This one sucks to me. I need suggestions.
Young Love

Young Love

A Poem by ARH

I don't even know if this is a poem or nah. But i won't delete just in case i want to add to it or make it better.


A Poem by ARH

I don't know what it is.Is it your cute, attracting, smile?Or your caring, protective, but sensitive nature?Is it the way you look at me and try to hi..
The land that doesn't exist

The land that doesn't exist

A Poem by ARH

this was written in comparison to a fantasy world, that contrasts to our society. A world without problems. Without hate, discrimination, e.t.c.