Awols : Writing

Hamster Wheel

Hamster Wheel

A Chapter by Awols

An attempt at an exercise from the book Write Brain Workbook. I had to use the words Diesel, Insensitive and Nonsense.


A Chapter by Awols

An exercise from the book - Write Brain Workbook. I had to use the letters from NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION and the first sentence - New Year's resolutions ..
The Postcard

The Postcard

A Chapter by Awols

Another writing exercise - this one about receiving a postcard. I've tried to empathise with my mother receiving a postcard from me (I live abroad).
Somali Pirates

Somali Pirates

A Chapter by Awols

Another writing exercise - really liked the ideas I got from this. Short story or novel in progress :)
Writing Exercises

Writing Exercises

A Book by Awols

My attempts at writing exercises