donniedarko : Writing

one more game

one more game

A Poem by donniedarko

lets play a gamea childish gamean adult gameyou decideany game is possiblein our houseyour housebut you have to choosequicklybefore its too latebefore..


A Poem by donniedarko

i am constantly ignoredi feel like a friends shadowno one listensno one looksno one feelsno one touchesno one hearsi feel invisiblelike im a ghostwalk..
an insomniacs dream

an insomniacs dream

A Story by donniedarko

this is the start of a book i am slowly writing. Not that great, but hopefully a good start to my writing career
open yourself up

open yourself up

A Poem by donniedarko

I’d cut me up Into 2 Maybe 3 Then maybe you’ll realise What you’ve done to me Its not that You don’t feel ..