Zora Brasii : Writing

Harm's Way

Harm's Way

A Poem by Zora Brasii

I recently got out of a year long physically abusive and drug based relationship. I'm blessed to still be alive. Here it goes..


A Poem by Zora Brasii

Reflective gleams off of a heart made of black diamond. A shine so bright that it pierced bleeding holes in all of their eyes, yet an aura derived f..
Crystalline Dawns & Adrenaline Sunsets

Crystalline Dawns & Adrenaline Sunsets

A Poem by Zora Brasii

This was my first writing of this genre (still not sure what genre it really should be under). Also my first time writing while spun lol
What If

What If

A Poem by Zora Brasii

I was hoping they might have a 'rantings' or 'mind wanderings' selection for the type of writing choices for us to choose when adding writings, but sa..