Lively-Heart : Writing



A Poem by Lively-Heart

Look in the mirrorwhat do you see?Nothing you likeoh poor poor baby.Now come on, come ondon't you cry.I understand it perfectlylisten, here's why.Ever..


A Poem by Lively-Heart

She was lifted off her feetby a man who did not speakand her mind was in a rushfrom the drugs she just had tookThe world spinning all around hermaking..
Perfect Imperfections

Perfect Imperfections

A Book by Lively-Heart

She was a trainwreck and she didn't even know it.


A Chapter by Lively-Heart

I was Diagnosed with Depression in September of 2009, I was 9 years old. However, a few years before that is where it all started.


A Chapter by Lively-Heart

Fall or fly?

Fall or fly?

A Book by Lively-Heart

I was DIagnosed with Depression in September of 2009, I was 9 years old. However, a few years before that is where it all started...
The drive

The drive

A Chapter by Lively-Heart

"Okay, so the map says--""I know where to go Emma, you don't have to tell me." Justin snapped at her, he wasn't having a good morning, lack of sleep..
Don't Let Go

Don't Let Go

A Book by Lively-Heart



A Chapter by Lively-Heart

"Carly?! Carly, where are you?!"Emma searched for hours, last place she saw Carly was at the party. She was talking to some guy, Tall with Brown hair ..
B r o k e n wings

B r o k e n wings

A Book by Lively-Heart

He pulled her close, and whispered in her ear as she tensed up "Don't worry baby, I'm yours." A tear rolled down the side of her face and she suddenly..

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