James Forster : Writing

Archie & The New World Archons

Archie & The New World Archons

A Book by James Forster

The adventures of a teenage boy who joins up with mysterious society the New World Archons to find his sister.
The Methodist Nick Stick

The Methodist Nick Stick

A Chapter by James Forster

The young woman


A Chapter by James Forster

It had been a terrible Autumn; something in the air they said. It finished people. Those who were sick, lazy, infirm or wretched. "A bad back end"they..
The Boy

The Boy

A Chapter by James Forster

He called the child by name. The child did not turn. He called again. Queer;he had known the boy since he was naught but a wee-ane. Curious, he dismou..
The Ambassadors

The Ambassadors

A Story by James Forster

What do retired footballers do with their time these days? Back in the olden days, pre-1992, pre-Sky and before the premier league billions they usu..
The expendable opiniators

The expendable opiniators

A Story by James Forster

At the front end, delivering the verdict whilst mouthing the opinion of your media overlords