Capaneus : Writing

Bob Barkers

Bob Barkers

A Story by Capaneus

The first thing they need to know is you’re a liar too. Sounds odd, but invariably a nurse at booking will ask, “have you had any thought..
Prison Strike

Prison Strike

A Story by Capaneus

an essay on prisons
Commissary Menu

Commissary Menu

A Story by Capaneus

"Prisons don't rehabilitate, they don't punish, they don't protect, so what the hell do they do?" ~Governor Jerry Brown CBS did a story on the origins..
Vocabulary lesson

Vocabulary lesson

A Poem by Capaneus

Stage intro maybe
Top of the Line

Top of the Line

A Poem by Capaneus

latitudinarian song


A Poem by Capaneus

compound interest
Satanic Versus

Satanic Versus

A Poem by Capaneus

song about religion and war
Crack Baby

Crack Baby

A Poem by Capaneus

Crack head anthem
Does Sisyphus Fall in Love

Does Sisyphus Fall in Love

A Poem by Capaneus

Does Sisyphus fall in LoveHas he held above It'll work this timeIs he Boulder than Olympic grudge On his every nudge It'll work this time How does Sis..
Greek Chior

Greek Chior

A Poem by Capaneus

Constructs of our mind Constructs from behind Do you think you can feel Do you think God turns the We'll And is happenstance hearing the chants of..

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