L.Z : Writing

Key differences between science and religion

Key differences between science and religion

A Stage Play by L.Z

A dialouge which demonstrates and disccuses key differences between religion and science
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A Chapter by L.Z

This is a game of debate. Your aim is to prove your opponent either has a logical fallacy he didn't notice in one of his arguements, or contradicting ..


A Chapter by L.Z

You: "How did you conclude that happiness is acheiveable"Him: "I think that from some aspect, it's *not* possible to acheive happiness, because in the..
A -> A

A -> A

A Chapter by L.Z

You: "Why does the option you mentioned contains the previous aspect in it?"Him: "Becuase the previous aspect says that anything has advantages and di..
A -> B

A -> B

A Chapter by L.Z

You:"What makes you think it's possible to think of two opposites as the same thing?"Him: "If you reach sort of a "superhuman" mind you can. If realit..
A -> C

A -> C

A Chapter by L.Z

You: "Why does the option you mentioned makes it impossible to be sad unless you choose it?"Him: "Because when all things which are normally thought o..
A -> D

A -> D

A Chapter by L.Z

You:What excatly is "the game of life?"Him: "It's a metaphor to the state of anyone who's still in the "sepreation":distinguishing between opposites, ..
A -> B -> A

A -> B -> A

A Chapter by L.Z

You: 'Why trying to see two opposites as the same thing would lead me to seeing this 1 essense?"Him: "Becuase anything has opposite aspects, and if yo..
A -> B -> A -> A

A -> B -> A -> A

A Chapter by L.Z

You: "How do you figure anything has opposite aspects?"Him: "For the same reason anything has advantages and disadvantages. There's no way to get into..
A -> B -> A -> B

A -> B -> A -> B

A Chapter by L.Z

You: "Why do you view the brain as a muscle? Can't we attemp to understand staff like that via research?"Him: "Because the normal human brain is what ..

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