Lifeless Energy : Writing

I Did It

I Did It

A Poem by Lifeless Energy

A poem about overcoming abuse.
Broken Record

Broken Record

A Poem by Lifeless Energy

Ending a relationship where you were more invested than the other party.
Count To Murder

Count To Murder

A Poem by Lifeless Energy

I wrote this for a friend. She had written a story that needed a nursery rhyme for a little girl who at 10 years old decides to show the true horror i..


A Poem by Lifeless Energy

I hit a rough patch so turned to writing to help express my upset.


A Poem by Lifeless Energy

I was about 12 and obsessed with cats.
Intimate Healing

Intimate Healing

A Poem by Lifeless Energy

Trying to describe an experience I knew nothing about
Self Destruction

Self Destruction

A Story by Lifeless Energy

Inspired by a cartoon I grew up with as a kid. A character unknowingly gave a demon access to our world who uses their powers and the body of the pe..


A Poem by Lifeless Energy

My younger self trying to make her poetic ramblings about something in particular
Try Again

Try Again

A Poem by Lifeless Energy

This is over 10 years old. It was written when I had no real focus, so went for abstract imagery