Eli Gallagher : Writing

Mind Your Brain

Mind Your Brain

A Poem by Eli Gallagher

If you are abecedarian-mindedThis thought is not for youKept taut, it vibratesIn arpeggiosHumming the brain In discordant cantatasAs it races on train..
The Traveler

The Traveler

A Poem by Eli Gallagher

Speak like me in patterned tones sublimeLike wisps of smoke which curl amongst the sandMade fickle dunes across this no man’s land.What wind rel..
little loose leaf

little loose leaf

A Poem by Eli Gallagher

littlelooseleafyou would love to movemountains mightydispel the darkwhich fell on your treeand avoid the unforeseenreticulationensnared by your trep..