Know That I Too
We are never alone (a poem for mental health month)

Daniealla : Writing



A Poem by Daniealla

The conflict behind where no one sees
Jaded thoughts

Jaded thoughts

A Poem by Daniealla

If only some feelings could be erased.
King of Hearts

King of Hearts

A Poem by Daniealla

We all hold on to things that we shouldn't because it feels too good to let go.


A Poem by Daniealla

The beauty of a sunset.
The Choice

The Choice

A Poem by Daniealla

One thing leads to a next The good melts into a drastic mess, I sit in my chair, pressed upon my desk Scribbling down the pros and cons of life or ..
Only him

Only him

A Poem by Daniealla

Young love is a beauty.


A Poem by Daniealla

Bitter thoughts, sweet sorrys Hate I've caught, feelings I no longer carry. Dreams that yearned for reality, Faded as you were no longer a vitalit..
The Gentle gentleman

The Gentle gentleman

A Poem by Daniealla

Sometimes the temporary time spent is enough for a lifetime.
To overcome

To overcome

A Poem by Daniealla

Pure as white,Blood that stains fright.She's screaming its name, as it disappearsStraight into the darknessEverything she didn't wantAll of her fearsE..
A walk to the light

A walk to the light

A Poem by Daniealla

In every darkness, there will be a ray of light

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