DavidZeeSee : Writing

A Call To Arms

A Call To Arms

A Story by DavidZeeSee

A satirical piece parodying the mindsets of some Christian right-wingers in the United States. Enjoy.


A Chapter by DavidZeeSee

The preface to my short story "The Stranger".
Chapter One

Chapter One

A Chapter by DavidZeeSee

Chapter One of my short story "The Stranger".
The Stranger

The Stranger

A Book by DavidZeeSee

This story is an incomplete rendition of an unpublished novella from one of my blogs. It's about a man who's constantly stalked by an other worldly be..
Dialogue with a Sadist

Dialogue with a Sadist

A Poem by DavidZeeSee

Taking an exclusive peek through the mind of a sadist as he engages in dialogue with some of his detractors. Enjoy.