Tsering : Writing

Texting Goodbye

Texting Goodbye

A Poem by Tsering

In texts we use short cut phrases. In a way this is supposed to mimic a text, short and to the point.
When you said?

When you said?

A Poem by Tsering

This one was written for National Poetry Day. Its a poem about one partner not able to end what they started.
Sleeping friend

Sleeping friend

A Poem by Tsering

This poem is best read aloud.
 With an air

With an air

A Poem by Tsering

Every morning I used to come to the back gate to say good bye with crossed fingers that you would arrive home safely later.
My inner child

My inner child

A Poem by Tsering

A poem about not growing up. I may have matured in age, but i'm still that girl inside.
 Old socks

Old socks

A Poem by Tsering

A humorous poem, when a long standing relationship deteriorates
The chopping board

The chopping board

A Poem by Tsering

When love goes wrong.
Where does the line fall?

Where does the line fall?

A Poem by Tsering

When love goes wrong