Isla : Writing

Chapter 1: The Glue for Broken Lives

Chapter 1: The Glue for Broken Lives

A Chapter by Isla

“One medium cappuccino and carrot cake, anything else for you madame?”, the waitress asked me, laying down my order onto the table. ..
Chapter 2: 'carbohydrates cause your positivity'

Chapter 2: 'carbohydrates cause your positivity'

A Chapter by Isla

“-I found the whole business rather distressing, and I feel as though it has, and will continue to, change my life”, some woman on the r..
Chapter 3: None of your Bisness

Chapter 3: None of your Bisness

A Chapter by Isla

“-Alright, alright, well thank you anyway…yes…I hope he gets better soon…right…ok…bye…yes…bye!..
Chapter 4: Parents

Chapter 4: Parents

A Chapter by Isla

“-But with the diamond smuggling trade continuing around the world, it all makes you wonder: What will do they do next? -“ I look..
Eve's Dropping

Eve's Dropping

A Book by Isla

Glum, lonely, and on the brink of a mental breakdown, Evie sits at her usual spot in Cafe Norman, evesdropping on the lives of those around her. Littl..
Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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