Helrac : Writing

On Empty

On Empty

A Poem by Helrac

The drums, once pounding and pulsing in my head have ceased. My body echoes with all this silence. Thoughts bouncing around in empty space ..
Ode to Lipstick

Ode to Lipstick

A Poem by Helrac

In this case I mean ode in a less traditional sense. Simply an expression of great "exalted" emotion and deep love.


A Poem by Helrac

I was hiking one day only to discover the mountain I was on was being clearcut. I continued through a sea of old friends I would never see again it wa..
Boardgames and Goodbyes

Boardgames and Goodbyes

A Poem by Helrac

When I think of you I cry. I find it hard to control despite the years that pass. "see you soon pretty" words that haunt me. Am I selfish f..
Unsolid ground

Unsolid ground

A Poem by Helrac

I could let myself spend forever waiting for you. For that one more thing, that little bit more. This hope is not so strong as it is stubborn. ..
To my heart, on whatever mountain it roams.

To my heart, on whatever mountain it roams.

A Poem by Helrac

An avid nature lover/hiker the recent loss of my mobility (knee surgery) has left a void. 3 months and counting without my love.
Pious Pawns

Pious Pawns

A Poem by Helrac

You stood before us a faithful confessor and we your confessional. You purged yourself of that which we deemed damnable, and we judged you. We c..


A Poem by Helrac

One of my early pieces.
Letter to a lost humanity.

Letter to a lost humanity.

A Poem by Helrac

Dear departed, I'm writing to say that I wish you would return. They want it to be forever, but forever is justso long. We were all better at the..


A Poem by Helrac

I think that I must be the smoke, the way you blow it at me and out of you. Thick and full of poison, something you love, which you hate. Separa..

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