Adventures with John in his Red Ford Truck

Adventures with John in his Red Ford Truck

A Story by Shelley Warner

A book about romance and adventure

For the past few years, I've posted a number of stories about my adventures with my sweet heart in his red ford truck, detailing nature drives. Thanks to all who read them and commented. I have compiled the stories into a book, along with narrative about our romance. It is available through the publisher, Book Baby. Just type Book baby book shop and then type my name, Shelley Warner or the title, Adventures with John in his Red Ford Truck.
It is also available for pre-sale on Amazon.

© 2023 Shelley Warner

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Look forward to it….congrats!
I’m working on the Novel At Bridges End, a story of love and war,
…. Have been posting episodes for a while….
Warmly, B

Posted 4 Months Ago

Shelley Warner

4 Months Ago

Thank you Betty, your novel sounds interesting; it has a good title.

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1 Review
Added on December 19, 2023
Last Updated on December 19, 2023


Shelley Warner
Shelley Warner

Camas, WA

I like to write about my life. Sounds a little narcissistic, right? But it's the challenges, the griefs, the joys, the faith struggles, and the enjoyment of nature that inspires me. I have published t.. more..
