The death of hope

The death of hope

A Poem by Augustus

Death does not arrive unannounced at hope’s door.

Its dark silhouette looms in the distance, long before its labored steps are audible.

Hope is not to be whisked away suddenly and painlessly to the dark realm.

Death doesn’t offer hope a gracious handshake.

It permeates her very soul. Slowly, like a cancer savoring its malignant work.

Hope is a worthy adversary who fights to the bitter end.

There is first the burning flame, then a pale and wispy glow.  Then a flicker, almost imperceptible.

And just as you think it is over, there is an illusion of a renewed flame

Like a mythical phoenix rising from the ashes.

Alas, only mythical. As out of touch with reality as hope had been her entire life.

And then it ends in a forgotten moment. Who remembers when the last leaf falls in winter?

And I am left with naught but the fragile urn that holds her memories,

As death solemnly quotes a  truism for the ages:

“There is no pain for those I take away, only for those I leave behind”

© 2022 Augustus

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This one fills a spot in my years-end memories. Dealing is what we all do in our own ways... Quite a thought-full work.

Posted 7 Months Ago

Illustratively inventive battle between death and hope...
and yes the ones who suffer most are the ones left behind to grieve.

Posted 2 Years Ago

Somber but eloquently put, this one. It seems to embrace the tragic view of life, almost like an echo of Ecclesiastes. I would not adopt it as a philosophy of life, but it is indeed beautifully written.

Posted 2 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on May 17, 2022
Last Updated on May 17, 2022



Cambridge, MA

My name is Shreyas Gokhale. I have a PhD in Physics from the Indian Institute of Science and am currently a Post-doctoral Research Fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. However, I guess.. more..

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