Freeze Time

Freeze Time

A Poem by C.R.Turner

Freeze time! Right now, thank you!
Capture this instant -
my life on a Polaroid image.
Now - before it fades.

Oh, this feeling right now
is so positive,
statically charged
makes my hair stand on end
catches my breath,
my soul is electric,
my mind tumbling through
beautiful possibilities;
my heart dancing
a close, muscular tango,
cheek to cheek
with yours.

When I'm with you
the world just closes up shop,
lights out,
shutters down.
Pack up the moon and stars;
quench the sun -
unnecessary distractions.

When I'm in you,
there is no room
even for space itself.

The only enemy is time.

The closeness I feel with you
is a f*****g waste of poetry
pointless squiggly lines of symbols -
laughingly rendered meaningless
in this new, pan-dimensional truth.

We have arrived beyond words
to a new method -
a commune of souls.
Souls who have been chattering -
idly and alone,
like some meaningless fax-tone
for years -
waiting to find a receiver.

This time, right here.

Freeze it, bottle it,
preserve it.
I want to take that Polaroid
and fax it all over the world.

© 2013 C.R.Turner

My Review

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wouldn't it indeed be wonderful to truly capture and freeze time when things and love and life were perfect. If you find where that particular button is, please pm me and let me know. It would be nice to know where it is, just on the off chance I ever find myself in that position where I would want to use it again.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

The button part isn't possible, sorry... ;)

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It was moving along nicely until you left the road and wrote the fking car off.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Haha! Poetry is great, but life is great too. Check out my poem 'Me'. ;)
I can feel your vibrant energy throughout this witty write. It's punchy and funny and a very creative way to capture time.

I adore taking photos as much as I adored reading this..... SNAP, CLICK!

Posted 11 Years Ago

Never a f*****g waste of poetry, good line! If only we could preserve those moments, and take them out whenever we so choose. Lovely concept.

my mind tumbling through
beautiful possibilities;
my heart dancing
a close, muscular tango,
cheek to cheek

Muscular tango? wooo...nice one!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

Thanks FP. I love occasionally using visceral language to momentarily jolt the reader out of the mor.. read more
Frieda P

11 Years Ago

Ha no worries, I wasn't in the 'comfort' zone from the beginning, it's pretty electric! My pleasure.. read more
wouldn't it indeed be wonderful to truly capture and freeze time when things and love and life were perfect. If you find where that particular button is, please pm me and let me know. It would be nice to know where it is, just on the off chance I ever find myself in that position where I would want to use it again.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

The button part isn't possible, sorry... ;)
Venting! this word kept jumping around my mind while reading this poem
It needs some kind of a special mood
Still interesting though :)
Good one

PS. just returned from Ireland, Galway... What a country you guys have there? :D

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 11 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on January 24, 2013
Last Updated on February 2, 2013
Previous Versions




I'm a professional €150k a year poet. I can go from nought to tingly in two stanzas or less! Yeah right!! Sorry to disappoint but I'm just a regular guy processing his dirty linen in public, v.. more..
