The Devils Wrath

The Devils Wrath

A Story by Silver The Hedgehog

Muahahahahahah i love HORROR


It was a dark and stormy night, there was a full moon and it was directly above the sky. Four children were on a camping trip. One of the children went to get some fire wood, then he suddenly dissapeared into thin air. Another child went to check on him. Then she dissapeared. They were sent straight to hell. When the children awoken they were in cages in the devils home. The devil ate the fat little boy alive. The girl tried to escape but she couldn't

"Crapper"said the girl. "Oh ho a potty mouth i see" said the devil. Then the devil ate her

At the camp a girl with a cell phone called the cops. But just when the operator asked the last question she lost connection " S**t "she exclamed. the girl and another boy fled tho forest because their friends were killed by the devils wrath. Resorces say this was a true story and that who ever is hit by The Devils Wrath is dead meat for sure

© 2009 Silver The Hedgehog

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Looks like someone just turned into Silver.exe

Posted 3 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on December 12, 2009