

A Poem by T. Wes Smith

Frozen in time, as it passes on, I am singing a song, that life, it goes on, meanwhile, mine lost in suspense as I tread the ground we all dread, speaking the words I'd wish to hear deep inside my Head,

 we all wish to be swept away, falling into understanding, Love without deviation, have I asked too much of this life, to be understood, to carve my own little niche in peace, what is it that compels others to cross within others bounds with intentions of nothing more than to destroy, I have seen evil, drenched in blood, blatant and forward, with no intention to deceive, what are you capable of?

 Let the Fallen be a testament to your mortality, make no mistake, no matter your class, candor, perspective, intent, actions, intelligence or spirituality, we will all suffer the same fate, live your life if in any way truthful to yourself, because undoubtedly you are the one that has to live with yourself...

Love merely is the capacity to stand at your side and share it with you, your faults, your weaknesses, bios without judging you at every step, Love, for the true synonym is Understanding.

© 2011 T. Wes Smith

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I love the way you expressed ur views on love. With love there is understanding, where there is understanding, there is love. Great write, descriptive, and spoke the truth of love:) Keep writing and I will return the favor with reviews:)

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on December 17, 2011
Last Updated on December 30, 2011


T. Wes Smith
T. Wes Smith

Columbus, OH

I am from Ohio, i love to write, tell me what you think, I am closing my read request because they are hard to keep up with while being stuck out here working my a*s off, plus I refuse to answer to re.. more..
