Envious Feeling

Envious Feeling

A Poem by Kathleen Burlas

In this case,
My insecurities are heating up
Every time I look at her
I see someone who's everything I'm not
Despise how lucky she is
Thinking how better she does things
She's comfortable with her skin
With shining diamonds in her veins
Seems like she has the world in her hands
Owning almost everything I know in my life
Including my adored Adonis dear . . . 

Life's always unfair
Someone would always be on top of the pyramid
I lay low with what I'm left with
Gathering wind of courage
To blow away the cloud temporarily blocking my sun

-Kathleen L. Burlas

© 2012 Kathleen Burlas

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Added on May 3, 2012
Last Updated on May 3, 2012
Tags: Envy, insecure, girl


Kathleen Burlas
Kathleen Burlas

Talisay City, Region VII, Philippines

k a t h l e e n l a u r o n i l l a b u r l a s ♥ Hi ! i'm eighteen and I love writing because it helps me express my feelings in a way that I can enjoy it. Most of my works here reflect.. more..
