Tangents Intersect

Tangents Intersect

A Poem by Staci Brown

Softly I touch each pigment with reverance
As if they are a gift from the gods
Open to my Muse
I make contact with the canvas
My trust in Her, the deepest and truest I've ever felt
Each movement becomes a new opus
Tangents intersect, a life unto their own
They co-exist without battle
Even though lines are being drawn
These objects of my desire
Created abstracts from my mind
Individuals amongst many
Yet connected to the whole
Guided by perspective
With shading, foreshortening, and contour
Fantasy and flight await us all
Entire new worlds to explore...





This image is by: © nmsmith and can be found at: www.caedes.net/Zephir.cgi



© 2008 Staci Brown

Author's Note

Staci Brown
i would have loved using my own artwork, but at this time i have no way of getting any of it uploaded to the internet. this poem HAD to have some artwork tho! :D

Faerie Blessings!

--faerie whisper (breaking the silence...)

My Review

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Featured Review

Would love to see your artwork tho this is beautiful as it the poem it seems like a poem of the cosmos and of
extreme love. I love this line you wrote : Fantasy and flight await us all
Entire new worlds to explore...
So true. Good to see you back!


Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


My heart felt understood for once. Thank you.

Posted 2 Years Ago

Very nice! Insightful. Translates your feelings very well!

Posted 5 Years Ago

I love combined mediums in museums, and I love it in writing too. Typically I see it when music is described in a story, and not so frequently with artwork. I play the flute, and am trying to improve the description of my character playing the flute. Do you have any advice for how you combined artwork and the written word?

Posted 10 Years Ago

I loved this poem. "Fantasy and flight await us all
Entire new worlds to explore..." is definitely my favourite line
The entire piece seems to explore the love of a woman/girl/human female and the arts.
Beautifully done.
Lovely picture by the way.

Posted 10 Years Ago

very nice poem and well written

Posted 10 Years Ago

awesome poem.. and nice lines.. would surely be pleased to see your artwork!

Posted 10 Years Ago

I really loved the ending the build up gave it the impending sense of infinity. Good job!

Posted 11 Years Ago

simple serene ..yet captivating ...
words artfully used ...
would definitely love to see your art work .... as for this the choice of image was nice ..
Keep the good work coming :)


Posted 11 Years Ago

The creation of art "with reverence", I like this idea, and also experience it when writing or drawing. Great writing! I would love to see some of your artwork.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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30 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on August 27, 2008
Last Updated on August 27, 2008


Staci Brown
Staci Brown

Fort Mill, SC

Artist, Writer, Musician more..


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