Will you?

Will you?

A Poem by Soren

Will you offer a helpful hand to a stranger?

Will you risk yourself for someone in danger?

Will you take from your mouth to give to someone in need?

Or will you pretend you don't see, because of greed?

Would you give your life for that of another?

Does it matter if you know him, or if he's your brother?

If you would, would you do it for the recognition?

Or would you do it out of fear of perdition?

Maybe for expected pay in the life above

Or would you do it simply out of love?

Would you hear the pleading of a baby bird fallen?

Are you too busy to hear a fly in distress callin?

Why then should you expect help, when you're in need of reliance?

We're all the same, if you believe in God or science

Until we want to give to the weak and poor

We will forever and always be at war

© 2023 Soren

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Lovely thoughts, Soren, and let's all keep striving toward a better world :)
I suspect the Answers are more pragmatic, dependent upon so many many things.
I guess I've come to believe it's Behavior that counts. If I were to risk my life to save another, it's the "right" thing to do, no matter my motive, maybe :)

Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

Thank you JD I appreciate your review and thoughtful comments
A deep message and many questions create the foundation of your poem. Some I must admit are hard to answer but speaking for myself, I always try to be helpful, understanding and kind. I am not always successful, but I try. Never for recognition or money, those thoughts do not occur to me. But to see some one or some thing in distress, I will always try and help. Nicely done my friend.

Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

Thank you Will I too try to be giving, but there are so many times that I notice that I miss somethi.. read more

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2 Reviews
Added on January 4, 2023
Last Updated on January 4, 2023



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