It's a mystery

It's a mystery

A Poem by Soren

It's a mystery why they want to erase history

too sensitive are we

How can you learn if you don't have a turn

past mistakes to see?

Shout! Ignoring a fire, won't put it out

A slur is only a word

Slavery or holocaust no idea what we've lost

pretending it didn't exist, is absurd

Protecting the weak, a disservice we seek

called political correctness

Evolution does tell, it's the strong that excel

better to speak with directness

© 2024 Soren

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Excellent poem. Enjoyed reading 👍

Posted 3 Weeks Ago


3 Weeks Ago

Thank you so much for the encouragement glad you enjoyed it.
Presentism is a shallow, arrogant philosophy that condemns people of previous times for not having a 21st century viewpoint. Its followers don't realize that one day it will be their turn in the barrel.

Posted 3 Weeks Ago


3 Weeks Ago

Thanks so much John for the read and comment. So true it will be their turn.
It isn't that much of a mystery..
too easily offended are these people today...
as you have said,
and I agree.

Excellent use of free speech, which is too often silenced, if you do not agree with the majority..
which unfortunately,
is lacking in many things.

and no, I do not care.

Posted 3 Weeks Ago


3 Weeks Ago

Thank you for your read and understanding comment. It is most appreciated.
light and ashes

2 Weeks Ago

You are most welcome.
You sound like your namesake! I was raised to think it was conservative thinking that brought censorship and limited thinking. "They" were wrong. We may never recover from those who have quashed our history and are terrified of opposing points of view... I am old enough to have seen the pendulum swing before, but never so far.

Posted 3 Weeks Ago


3 Weeks Ago

Thank you so much for the read and understanding words. I have bounced from conservative to liberal .. read more

3 Weeks Ago

I get it... I am rather socially liberal, but am a Constitutional conservative, so, I don't care abo.. read more
I very much admire the message here and completely agree. I love history from a holistic perspective. If we don't treat the entirety as our learning ground we're bound to get a distorted view of not only the events that transpired but also the motivations which fueled them. I'm such a huge fan of archaeology and anthropology; the studies of ancient cultures etc. that to bury or destroy bits of history is akin to a sort of historical blasphemy in my opinion. A very good write, an important write. F.

Posted 3 Weeks Ago


3 Weeks Ago

Thank you so much Fabian for the read and most kind words they are appreciated. I certainly realize .. read more
Impactful Message Soren.
Yes, Cancel-Culture ...ancient mistakes are new again!

Posted 3 Weeks Ago


3 Weeks Ago

Thanks JD I appreciate the read and comment.
Dear Soren
The past, with all its tragedy and excesses is the guiding light for the future. We cannot wish it away. Your voice is so strongly convincing here and set in perfect flow and rhyme. It's clearly the voice of reason and level minded debate. Being politically correct at the cost of growth in the right direction could be disastrous. A very thought provoking poem!

Posted 3 Weeks Ago


3 Weeks Ago

Thank you Divya for the read and most encouraging words they are deeply appreciated. So good to hear.. read more

3 Weeks Ago

You always post such thoughtful poems. It was my pleasure, dear Soren.
The curious juxtaposition between the need to address the very real injustices of history and the sad fact of a society built of echo chambers and insular thought... barbed wire, chain-link fences, and machine guns... or something. Cheers, Soren!

Posted 3 Weeks Ago


3 Weeks Ago

Thanks so much John for the read and the insightful comment. Yes society has its problems but I'm fo.. read more

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8 Reviews
Added on May 25, 2024
Last Updated on May 25, 2024



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