My Picture

My Picture

A Poem by Ryan

A poem about peoples lives and how they try to cram there selves into what society wants them to be instead of seeing what God wants for them.


What’s wrong with this picture?

This picture of my life.

Of all I've faced endured conquered.

A dazzling panorama of my beautiful life.

Really nothing is wrong with it.

Actually it looks great. Perfect even.

I’d even hang it up for all to see.

To boast of how great my picture is.

To show that there’s indeed

nothing wrong with my picture. Although one day

I dropped it. At that moment all my hopes and

platinum fame ceased.

That beautiful creation developed a small crack in the frame.

Barely noticeable to those who have come to

marvel at my lovely picture.

Though still there and causes eye sores and for

it not to sit right.

All this time I've wondered how to fix this little

dilemma. So I decided to just paint over it.

Then no one would see that crack in my frame

But soon the pain began to fade and the crack was again visible. I must do

something to hide the crack again.

Cover up what isn't beautiful so it doesn't

distract any lookers of my amazing Artwork

Maybe I’ll buy a new frame. But as I go seeking a

new home to place my picture in, I see that none fit.

Trying to cram my picture into someone else's frame though simply a

lost cause. No matter how I bend it twist it

theirs no way to get that original beauty

I can't make it appear like its good.

And now after all this struggling

just to attempt to restore the amazing

awe of my picture, its gotten

worse. Now not only is there the crack theirs

red drops of warm blood scattered

betwixt every wrinkle of the scaly surface.

Each vastly colorful and stinging deep

bleeding through the back from where my arm took a blow from that cold blade

carefully caressed across with precision.

How would anyone wish to see this wretched

mess that I call mine. After much shriveling at my horrid picture

I could not stand to see it anymore.

So I brush off my visitors who have

come from afar to look upon my once masterpiece,

and don't let anyone in or around to criticize.

A big blanket I threw overt hat disaster once I came to realize that it was


unwanted. dirt.

The days got longer and soon turned to months then years.

Not a soul has stepped eyes on my picture.

Nor mine on the wobbly fixture it lay on.

Surrounded by dust and hate mail

from myself of how much I've fussed.

Old and grey doth everything rot in anticipation of a renewal..

Crying out for something better.

Then one day upon which the hour I

sit complaining and begging for a tear

of grace to fall down I hear a voice.

I am.

I turn and search the room

lost in confusion.

I am.

Again I turn to see a bright illumination

of what appears to be a man.

Why are you here I ask. He said

I am.

If you've come to see my picture it’s

closed and its ruined anyway. He said

I am.

He began to walk toward me with arms

spread and I could make out

two black dots on his hands and feet.

His marvelous spirit gave him a

certain glow. Everything seemed so

warm and just.

As if He knew me He reached his

hand out calling me by name. Hesitant I

reached mine to meet His realizing the

black mark was in fact a scar.

I ask Him how he got them, He just

smiled and said I’d like to buy your picture.

I felt embarrassed that He even knew about that.

I showed him the crack in the frame. He said,

I am.

I showed him the red drops. He said,

I am.

I showed him the wrinkles. He said,

I am.

I showed him my hardships all I've endured and even conquered. He said,

I am.

Then I took off my excuses and realized what my picture actually was.

It was blank. Those hardships, all that I've conquered, endured. My lives work!

He said I am. He said I was and I will always be.

I am.

He took the picture and the crack was gone.

Colors exploded of those I had

never seen. I was swept away at how marvelous it was.

It was beautiful and was what He wanted it to be.

A picture of Him

I am.

© 2013 Ryan

My Review

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A truly amazing poem... It's even more powerful the second time. This is definitely your best work bro. Keep writing and keep striving.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks man! I appreciate it :)
Wow! This i very deep. I felt the emotion as I read through it. You had great word choice. I loved the ending.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is a beautiful piece, so moving and emotionally charged. You have created an image of a man tortured by who he is and what he sees in himself through a poignant analogy. One of the best I've read on this website. Amazing.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

Thank you so much!

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3 Reviews
Added on September 6, 2013
Last Updated on September 6, 2013



Grandville, MI

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