LiFe BeCkOnS...Are WE ready?

LiFe BeCkOnS...Are WE ready?

A Poem by Pratibha

Come, let's enjoy the present...and forget everything else


Life is is sweet...

Enjoy it as long as you are alive....
What will happen tomorrow, who knows?...Do I know?...Do YOU know?...
Will I be alive to read your posts?
Am I sure to see tomorrow’s sunrise?
Am I sure ‘my heart will go on and on....?”
Am I sure to wake up fresh and happy sans depression tomorrow?
Will I be alive to enjoy my son’s marriage and be able to read stories to my great grandchildren?
Why fret? Why brood? What is ambition? What is career?
What to do? What not to do? How much to save? How much to spend?
Such a short span of life and so many questions and unnecessary tensions!
Who knows if there IS "LIFE AFTER DEATH?" Is this NOT a ONE WAY journey?
Life is treacherous, death is certain...
Let’s live as if there is no tomorrow...
Come, bring smile to a crying child’s face...Hey you may find GOD in his smile...
Let’s forget grudges and ‘make up’ with old pals...Let's search for 'lost friends" as well...
Let’s ‘go back’ to our old , ailing parents and be their walking sticks...their sunshine...their hopes...Hey, we might never see them, feel them and hug them again...they would be gone one day while we r still running after MIRAGE...
Will it be worth it? When we would want the shelter of their warm embrace...they are gone...
....and we are lonely in our world of achievements and false sense of achievements...CHOICE IS OURS...
HUG THEM TIGHT...LOVE THEM LIKE THERE IS NO TOMORROW...feel their presence...embalm them in your heart and soul...enjoy every festival with them...every occasion with them...
...We owe them our lives and what we are TODAY...
So, come...let’s free ourselves from all old shackles and just be US.......TRY TO BE YOU...JUST YOU...ONLY YOU...
Go for Puddle hopping,
catch a butterfly today,
read your parents their favourite bed time story...,
kiss your spouse passionately tonight,
....lose yourself with your kid, your soul tonight...
EMBRACE LIFE...Because...
....Life is treacherous...IT never gives us a second chance...RIGHT?
So go ahead and ....MAKE two cups strong CHAI ,
Grab your soulmate and lose yourself in his eyes...
Don't forget to tell someone you love them today...
That someone IS your child, your spouse, your parents, your friends, your teachers, your in-laws, your neighbors...and everyone who has made a difference in your life...even the Pizza guy and the cute sales girl who smiled and helped you...

© 2009 Pratibha

My Review

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Prati, despite your protests to the contrary, you are a good writer! Your emotions are always true, people can identify with your feelings and situations. Now I should dearly love to see you become a GREAT writer. What you are presently calling poems, I call "Journal Pages", as the feelings are raw, unprocessed, though for that not less real. I would like to see you take these real, unprocessed feelings and labor with them for awhile. Craft them, shape them, whittle away the "bark and knotholes" until the raw, real feelings show forth in an exquisite piece of verbal sculpture. The poem should be able to carry the reader without highlighting and pictures and background music, so prevalent among today's crop of "writers".
So much for the major notes,now a few minor: "ARE still running (NOT 'r'!); omit 'for' before "puddle jumping"; "happy not depressed" is redundant, omit or rephrase "not depressed".

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Dear Prati,

Your write is one that should inspire us all to evaluate our lives, to share the love and joy of each day, each moment, instead of worrying about things that may never happen. You write from the heart, and it shows. But I also agree with Mark, a little fine tuning would make this a really great write. Blessings, my friend.

Friendship love,

Posted 15 Years Ago

Yeah, this one is nice. It serves as a good reminder to us all to put the petty stuff aside and just do our best to live our lives. I WILL tell the people I love how I feel. Not the pizza guy though! Mike might frown on that a little bit. Lol! Wonderful job on the poem Sunshine! You are a master at putting your emotions to words!

Posted 15 Years Ago

Oh! This is so thoughtful and deep, I really agree with you....Often in our life we bother so much about our future and other things that it often results in losing ourself and our present...
We should live for every moment, its a gift indeed and I guess that's why we call it "present"
Very well penned :)
Great work!

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Prati, despite your protests to the contrary, you are a good writer! Your emotions are always true, people can identify with your feelings and situations. Now I should dearly love to see you become a GREAT writer. What you are presently calling poems, I call "Journal Pages", as the feelings are raw, unprocessed, though for that not less real. I would like to see you take these real, unprocessed feelings and labor with them for awhile. Craft them, shape them, whittle away the "bark and knotholes" until the raw, real feelings show forth in an exquisite piece of verbal sculpture. The poem should be able to carry the reader without highlighting and pictures and background music, so prevalent among today's crop of "writers".
So much for the major notes,now a few minor: "ARE still running (NOT 'r'!); omit 'for' before "puddle jumping"; "happy not depressed" is redundant, omit or rephrase "not depressed".

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

ah...!!this is very cute and nice one...^_^

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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5 Reviews
Added on March 14, 2009
Last Updated on March 18, 2009



London,Ontario, Canada

Well, i am 32 years old and a mother of a 5years old naughty but cute son, Sreyansh. I am at present at home taking care of him. When he starts his school this summer, i will go back to my job as a cl.. more..


A Story by Pratibha