I'm scared to hold you close; I may never let you go

I'm scared to hold you close; I may never let you go

A Poem by alwaysmovefast

Wanna know my fears?
the dark.

creepy noises.
Wanna know my greatest fear?
losing you & everything I have with you.

Becoming as happy as I am now has to be my greatest accomplishment yet. 
You've made everyday brighter than the last. How do I thank you?
I say that I love you each & everyday. Is it enough? You tell me.
We could say nothing to each other & it'd be enough for me just want to spend the rest of my life with you.
Some might say, "what could she ever see in someone 4 years older than her?"
The truth is, I see everything & more.
I see love, wonder, joy.
I see someone who wants nothing more than to see a smile on my face.
You care for me as if I was your life support.
Guess what?
You're my life support.
You're my entire world & universe.
Am I allowed to keep you for forever & a day?

How did I ever get so lucky?
I've been trampled on, thrown away, used up, stabbed & forgotten.
But you,
I could tell you could never dream of those things.
You prove it to me over & over again.
I don't trust many people
But with you,
I would give you a fully loaded gun & tell you to point&shoot,
& trust that you would never pull that trigger.
My heart is in your hands.
Use it with care.

Remember the first moment we talked?
Did you ever get the feeling that something felt just a little bit right?
Did you ever think in your mind,
"She could be the one"?
Well, here is my confession.
I think that about you everyday.
You had me at hello.

I remember thinking
"He'd never go for me. I'm not good enough
not old enough
not tall enough
not...perfect enough."
& then you told me that I was.
Till this day, I don't know why you picked me
because you deserve perfection
but for you, I will try my best.

To wake up every single day to those deep brown eyes
& feel you next to me,
feeling more secure and whole than I ever have
would be my own personal Utopia.

Before you, I'd forgotten when it felt like to feel;
what it felt like to smile a real smile.
It'd been so long since my heart skipped beats,
since the butterflies in my stomach went cynical,
since I've been in love.

I'll be honest with you.
I've loved another before.
But never like this. 
Never the way I feel about you.
I had doubts when it came to him
because of my insecurities & trust issues.
I hesitated when it came to giving my heart away.

But you,
You made it so easy for me to give you my all.
I've trusted you with my heart, soul, & mind from day one.
That's a rarity.
Not once have I ever doubted a single thing you've said to me
Not once have I ever regretted opening up myself to you
Not once have I ever wanted to take back the day I told you
I love you

Do you remember that day?
I was so afraid.
Not because I was unsure that I felt that way
But because I was unsure that you could ever feel that way about me.
But then after the longest speech I could ever give to someone about how I felt
the only response that you gave
the only response that I needed was
I love you too

Who knew four words could take my breath away so fast
so deep
I literally almost felt my heart stop.
It had skipped that many beats.
Those words were a reassurance that you were the one.
The one I had been waiting for.
The one that I had to go through hell&back to get to.
All the heartaches
All the tears
All the fears
were worth getting to you.

I'm in love with you.
I'm afraid of losing you.
I'm excited to spend forever with you.
I'm nervous when trying to make you happy.
I'm crazy about you.

All these emotions run through my veins faster than the blood that pumps through my heart.
Its exhilarating yet overwhelming.
I'm fascinated at the fact that I could even feel these emotions
all at once.
I wouldn't want it any other way.

I'm separated into two pieces.
Two halves.
I'm whole only when my other half is connected.
For a long time, I felt so incomplete.
So unfinished.
So broken.
But then you opened the door to my life,
walked in,
& attached yourself.
I've never felt so whole & so joined together than I do now. 
You've got the tightest grip on my heart.
Never let go.
Promise me, you'll never let go
because without you, I am undone.

"God gave us two ears to hear, two eyes to see and two hands to hold.
But why did God give us only one heart? Because he wants us to find the
other one.

Well I believe that I have found mine.
Its you.

© 2010 alwaysmovefast

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I feel like crying..but in a happy way. This piece is soo beautiful and you can feel the sincerity in your words. Whomever you wrote this for is lucky to have you. :) Its so great to find a love like this untainted and pure. Thank you so much for sharing your love.


Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on February 14, 2010
Last Updated on February 14, 2010