The Clearing

The Clearing

A Story by steve

A man wants to help young people.

                                                                The Clearing

Both stood in the clearing, tall trees surrounding them.  Shouting was heard a short distance away as the park that day was quite busy due to the weather being warm and sunny.  But where they were it was deserted, and he’d brought her here on purpose, because he didn’t want to get interrupted.
Matthew approached her with a smile on his face.
She seemed a little concerned by this, and said, “I thought you were taking me to the cinema?”
He laughed, before answering, “I have something very important to say, and since I was a kid I’ve been coming here, as to me this is a place where I feel at peace.”
Alison didn’t know what to say, but she found it kind of sweet.  “So, you’re a sensitive soul.  That’s why I fell in love with you in the first place.”
He now looked embarrassed, and replied nervously, “I need to say something to you, because it means a lot to me, and hopefully it’ll mean a lot to you as well.”
Then he got down on one knee and from his trouser pocket he pulled out a little red box.  From it appeared a ring.  “Will you marry me,” was all he said, a sparkle in his eye.


After their first argument he left the house which they had shared for the last couple of months and headed straight for the park, to his special place where he could assess things.  He sat there and after a while realised the row had been about nothing, if anything it was more his fault.  The trees around him looked bare as the winter had been harsh.  Snow sat on the ground, and it was chilly.
“I’m sorry, Alison.  I’ve been a fool,” he muttered.  
He decided to head home and make it up to her.  While he walked down one of the many streets he saw two youths arguing, and wanting to help he ran to them.  Then tried breaking up the scuffle.
One glared at him, and still full of anger, shouted, “What’s your problem, mate?”
Matthew wanted to help, as he believed violence didn’t solve anything, and said, “Why are you fighting?”
Thankfully the young man had calmed down while the other leaned against a nearby brick wall while catching his breath.
“We fight.  What, haven’t you seen this before?  Where have you been living, man.  There’s no jobs out there, all we have is fighting.”  He stopped and looked away, as if something wasn’t right.
“There are jobs out there, you just have to look,” Matthew said, really wanting to help.  Then he remembered the news, and how young people were finding it difficult to get work.  “Don’t give up.”
The youth neared him, then replied with desperation on his face, “You don’t know what it’s like.  Things are bad.  Very bad.  Because there is no work kids are getting into gangs.  Taking drugs and drinking heavily.  There’s no future for us.”
Matthew to this moment had never realised.  “I promise, everything will be all right.”
“What do you mean?” the teenager replied wide-eyed
He didn‘t have an answer.  But for some time now he had grown sick of his job, and he needed a change.  For the first time in as long as he could remember he had a new plan.
“I must be off, and I really hope it works out for you,” Matthew said, feeling slightly bad for not helping more.
The young man just stared at him as Matthew made his way across the quiet street.  His next destination, home.

When he first walked into the hallway he could hear her in the kitchen, and feared the worst.  “It’s only me, Alison,” he said, raising his voice a little.
She appeared from the doorway still looking upset.  “Oh, it‘s you,” she said quietly, seeming rather subdued.
For the next few minutes he explained to her that the row was all his fault, because lately he’d become quite frustrated at work.  Then he told her about the teenagers he had met on his trip home, and how one in particular had inspired him.
Now she was in a brighter mood she took more interest in what he was saying.
By 10 o clock that night after both had spoken about it, the decision was made.


Matthew still went to work, and at times would hate it, but it was a regular wage so that came in handy.  And twice a week he would attend the local college, sometimes it would seem a very long day, but it was worth it, he thought.  His wife was always supportive when he was at his lowest.  And he loved her very much.  After a very lengthy 2 years he passed the exams with flying colours.  That evening he celebrated by buying an expensive bottle of champagne.  He remembered the night so well as he arrived home holding the bottle in his hand.  
The moment she saw him walk in Alison ran to him and said with a smile, “Well done.  I knew you could do it.”  
And later that night after consuming the whole bottle, they made love.  


The first few cases he had to deal with he found rather difficult.  Usually the violent ones that never took notice of what he said.  But a year of becoming a counsellor for young  troubled people he felt he was improving.  Some would even remark that he was kind of cool for his age.  Even though he was only 27.  But one thing was apparent, he felt satisfied for the first time in ages, as he’d found his niche in life.


Matthew woke up, then realised it was his birthday.  He was now 32, another year and he would be 33.  He hated the thought.  “God, no.  I’m so old.”
His wife patted him on the back while she lay beside him, then said, “Grumpy old man, more like.”  She then burst out laughing.
He turned to her.  “It’s not funny, Alison.”
She replied, “We all get older, love.  It’s your birthday.  So try and enjoy it.”
He kissed her tenderly on the lips, and said, “I’ll try, but first I’ll go to my place just to make sense of things.”
“Do you mean the clearing in the park.  The place where you proposed to me all them years back,” she answered, rubbing his shoulder softly.
He hated to admit it, and said, “There’s something about that place which brings me such peace.  It’s hard to explain.  Sometimes in my life I go there just to getaway from the rat race.  Do you understand?”
She kissed him on the nose, then answered, “I love you.  I just want you to be happy.”
And looking at his beloved wife he realised he was the luckiest man alive.


The next week while he sat in the his office going over notes, he heard a knock at the door.  Looking up he saw a young man standing in the doorway.  “You must be, Steve?”
“Yes,” replied the youth, with an uncomfortable look on his face.
Matthew saw that he wore a dark blue fleece with a hood, which seemed to be the fashion these days amongst young folk.  He signalled him to sit down.
Steve peered about him, not saying a word.  Then walked to the chair.
Matthew broke the silence, “So, how can I help you?”
Steve looked directly at him, and said reluctantly, “Look, I know I’ve been in trouble at school, and the headmaster seems to think that I need counselling.  It’s rubbish, mate.”
Matthew scratched the side of his head, before answering, “Just give it one meeting.  There’s nothing to be scared of.  I’m just interested in what’s going on in your life, and I swear it won’t leave this office.”
After about 5 minutes the boy began to talk, and Matthew listened with interest.
Once the meeting was over with, he was surprised how much the boy opened up to him, and the weird thing was, the boy reminded him of himself at that age.
He left the office and headed home.


After several meetings with Steve, Matthew came to the conclusion that his older brother was a very bad influence.  The older sibling didn’t work and sold drugs to make his money.  He didn’t know if it was a bad idea, but to help Steve he needed to pay a visit to his brother.  He knew he could get into trouble for doing this, but he liked the lad a great deal, and all he wanted to do was help him.


A couple of days later Matthew came to the decision when he left the office to pay Steve’s brother a visit.  He thought about it long and hard, and couldn’t see the problem really.  He had the address written down on his desk with all the other information to do with the boy, and picked it up, just in case he forgot it.


He knocked on the door, then hummed a tune while he waited uncomplainingly.  Astonishingly he heard shouting from inside the house.  Then the door opened, and an angry individual stood in the doorway.  “Hello, I’m Matthew.  I’m your brother’s counsellor.  May I come in, as I need to speak to you about Steve’s well being.”
“Get lost, unless you want trouble,” the man said.
Matthew looked into his eyes, and there was just a coldness he’d never seen before.  He wasn’t giving up on the boy, and replied as politely as he could, “Look, your brother is getting into trouble, and all I’m trying to do is help him.  And frankly I hate to say this, but you’re the reason he is acting this way.”
The man with his scruffy hair and wild eyes pressed a finger hard on Matthew’s chest, before saying, “If you don’t get lost now, trouble is coming your way.”
Then Matthew done something he shouldn’t of done, and said back, “You won’t scare me, boy.  You’re the reason your brother is the way he is.  And I’m not leaving until we sort this out.”  And he stood there determined not to let this jerk intimidate him.
“Have it your way,” he yelled.
All of a sudden Matthew was grabbed around the collar and pulled with great force into the hallway where he was slung onto the floor.  “What are you doing?” he screamed.  He tried using his arms to get up but all he felt was an intense pain as he was kicked hard in the face.  He could feel the heavy boots while they kicked him countless times in the ribs and chest.  For a fraction of a second he opened his eyes and all he saw was blood everywhere, and standing in the kitchen doorway was his mate Steve crying uncontrollably.

Alison peered out of the window, waiting for her husband to come home.  Deep down she knew that was not going to happen.  She couldn’t believe it.  He was never coming home.  The rain began to fall, and all she wanted to do was go upstairs and cry a million tears.  The b*****d who had caused his death was banged up temporarily, she hated him so much.  When the police had arrived at the house, they said the man who lived there was drugged up to the eyes balls, muttering all kinds of things.  
Alison saw his face in a photograph which stood on a nearby shelf, and the sadness of what had occurred came flooding back.  She then headed to the living room to sort out the funeral arrangements.


The bedroom was pitch-black, and the light from the moon shone hazily through the window.  
It was all his fault.  If it wasn’t for him then he’d still be alive.  The man had told him about his wife, and how much he loved her.  Now she was without her soul mate.  
He had nobody in the world, and his brother was now rotting in prison awaiting trial.  He’d had enough.  Hs life meant nothing to him.  And then he had an idea, how to make everything right.  He knew his life would never be good, as his dad was dead and his mother was in a mental institute.  For him the future seemed very grim.  He’d always been an outsider, and things would never improve.  He then decided to do the right thing.
“Please, god.  Please to anyone who is listening.  Take me, and spare the kind man who was the only one who paid me any respect in my entire life.”
For many hours he prayed, his hands together.  And about three in the morning a warm breeze blew into the room, peering up he saw a shadow standing at the window.  Then it said, “Your wish has been granted.  The man will live and you’ll take his place.“
Steve then knew everything was going to be all right.


Alison opened her eyes.  Her heart was racing.  The dream she’d had was terrible, and as the seconds grew the realisation of what had happened only some days before sent a cold shudder through her.  She looked at the digital clock which sat on the nearby cabinet.  The time was 6.58am.  She was just about to close her eyes hoping to get a bit more sleep, because she was up until 1am stressing over things, when with horror she felt something touch the lower part of her leg.  She was petrified to look, but with baited breath she did anyway.  Then someone said, “Morning, sweetheart.”
Through sheer shock she scrambled from the bed her back now against the wall.  From the sheets on the bed a face appeared.  It was his face.  Was she hallucinating?  This didn’t make any sense.  Then like a thunderbolt she remembered the dream.  She picked up the clock and peered at the date.  Then she realised it was the same day her husband was taken away from her, but this time she would do her utmost to prevent it.  This is when she realised miracles did happen.


As Matthew neared the door, she came closer.  “Remember what I said, I need you home by one, as I need to talk to you about something.”
He seemed confused by the whole thing, and answered, “Usually I would, but at 3pm I’m seeing that boy I was telling you about, and after that I was going to head to his house and have a chat with his brother.  I can’t let him down, can I.”
Alison gave him a serious look, before saying, “I love you.  Please, just do it for me this once.  That’s all I ask.”
He sighed, then said, “Okay.  I’ll see you at one.  It’d better be important, Alison.”  He then left the house.


She waited and waited.  Where the hell was he?  He promised he’d be home by one.  She bit her nails out of nerves.  She stared at the clock on the wall.  The time was 2.17pm.  She decided she couldn’t wait any longer.  She closed the door and rushed to the car.


Alison had been to his workplace, and surprisingly he wasn’t there.  Where the hell was he?  She headed back home and after running into the house and checking every room, she was now fretting.  Then she remembered a place he did go, when he needed to think about things.


She ran through the park..  She could see the odd person looking at her strangely.  She didn’t care, because she had more serious things to worry about.
“Please be there, and please stay away from that house,” she muttered under her breath.
She could see the trees in the near distance, and the little opening which would take her to his special place.  Her legs ached terribly but she had finally made it.  She looked about her, her heart raced.  And then she saw someone sitting on a log only a few metres from the trees.  He wore a suit and she was certain it was him.  Alison approached the man with caution, and said, “Matthew, is that you?”
It took him a few seconds to look round, and replied surprised, “I’m so sorry, sweetheart, but I needed to come here, just for a little while at least.”  He wiped his eyes with a tissue which he held.
She then sensed something was wrong, and asked, “What’s troubling you?”
He stood up and put the tissue in his trouser pocket, and came nearer.  “The boy I was suppose to meet at three, was found dead this morning.”
“My god, that‘s terrible,” she said.
“It’s not your fault, love.”
They cuddled each other.
Then Matthew said, “By the way, why did you want me to come home earlier than normal?”
The dream had also told her something else, and finally she understood, and answered meaning every word, “I’m ready, Matthew.”
Matthew laughed, not really knowing what she meant.  “Ready for what?”
“The last time we were here you proposed to me, now it’s my turn.”  Alison got down on one knee and peered up at him, before saying, “I’m ready to have children with you.”
Matthew’s eyes lighted up and he said with sheer joy, “That’s the best news you could have gave me.”
She neared him and touched his chest softly.  “Come on, let’s head home.  It’s been a long day.  And all I want is to be with my husband.”
“Agreed, and all I desire is to be with my darling wife who I adore very much,” he concluded.
Both left the clearing arm in arm, the funny thing is they hadn’t even noticed the two figures standing only a few metres from them, while looking at them with great interest.


A few months later and she ran into the living room where Matthew was sitting comfortably watching the television.
He peered up a little startled, before saying, “What’s wrong?”
Alison grinned at him, and replied, “We did it.  I’m pregnant.”
He seemed confused, then said, “How do you know?”  He scratched the top of his head.
“I took a pregnancy test, silly.  I told you I was taking one every so often, just to see.”
He now looked serious, and said, “I don’t mean to sound negative, but first thing tomorrow we’ll go to the doctor and find out properly.  Does this sound okay?”
She kissed him on the lips, then replied, “Sounds absolutely terrific.  Also there’s something else.”
He shook his head a puzzled look on his face.  “Something else?”
She laughed, then said, “I’ve thought of the perfect name.”
“But we don’t know yet if it’ll be a boy or a girl.”
She had this feeling.  “So, do you want to hear the name I’ve come up with?”
“Tell me it then.”
Alison seemed deep in thought but after a few seconds she finally said, “There’s one name that I can’t get out of my head.”
He was beginning to grow impatient.  “So, what is it then?”
When she finally had the courage, she said, “Let’s call him Stephen.”

                                                                 The End

© 2013 steve

My Review

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THis is a good story Steve, though perhaps you should explain a litte more about what happened. How was Matthew able to return to his wife.? What did the boy he was counseling have to do with it?

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

Thanks, Marie. Yes, I've changed the ending quite a bit, just to make it more easier to get. Much .. read more

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1 Review
Added on June 13, 2013
Last Updated on June 14, 2013
Tags: death, sacrifice, inspired, college, murder, gangs, drugs, teenagers




Hi, I hope you enjoy my short stories. I've been writing for sometime now, and thoroughly enjoy it. To be honest, I find it quite addictive. Even when I'm at work I am thinking about the next story.. more..

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