A Funny Life Really.

A Funny Life Really.

A Story by steve

Life is unfair.


               A Funny Life really





Samantha was absolutely terrified.  One minute she was walking down the street having a good day, the next trapped in the back of a van not knowing what the hell was going on.  Why was this happening?  She clawed at the back doors hoping a miracle would happen, and if the doors did open, what would happen, flinging herself from the vehicle onto the hard concrete at some speed would probably kill her instantly.  So whatever she did, she was screwed.  Samantha looked about her, trying to find a way to escape, to get out of this horrendous situation.  She felt the van turn a sharp right, causing her to fly to one side smacking her shoulder hard.  “You b*****d,” she screamed.  The pain was too much.  Her child was at home waiting for her to return.  The tears ran down her cheeks.  My little Bobby.  My beautiful little Bobby.

The van stopped.  Terror was felt.  Her hands trembled.  The rope round her wrists hurt like hell.  She heard footsteps at the side of the vehicle, her heart pounding.  Please, God.  A click at the doors made her shudder.  In the next second she would see who had did this to her, for what reasons unknown.  A shadow stood outside.  Samantha could make out the person was not that tall.  Maybe when the man opened the doors to seek out his beloved sick prize she could kick him in the nuts hard, then run as fast as she could away from this sad psycho.  Nothing happened.  Open the doors you sad b*****d.  Something strange occurred, the person standing outside then began to dance, flinging his arms up and down in the air like he was on LSD.  What the hell was wrong with this maniac?

What do you want from me, you prick.

Suddenly a voice was heard.  “Hello, p***y cat.  Would you like to play a game?”

Who the hell was this prick?  “I don’t know what your game is, but just let me go.  You’ve had your fun, if that’s what you can call it.”


Give me a break, she kept thinking, growing very irritable.  She smacked the back of the van with her foot.  His shadow became smaller as he took a step back.

Then he said, “Getting angry are we?”

She’d had enough of this now, “Just open the f*****g doors, you prick.”

He laughed.  This worried her immensely.  Clearly he was completely insane.

She kicked the door again, hoping for a response.  This time something happened which she wasn’t prepared for.  The doors opened swiftly, the next thing she knew she was being dragged from the van onto the hard concrete of the road.  “Get off me,” she screamed, utterly petrified.  “Please don’t do this.”

He stopped, his back to her.  From what she could see he had a short haircut, and wore overalls, and he was obese.  Breathing heavily, he said, “You are like all the other girls, b*****s.  I will teach you a lesson.  Then you might respect me a bit more.”  She felt his fingers tighten around her hair, and the awful feeling of being dragged along the ground.  “What do you want from me?” she cried, unable to take any more.

“I want your blood, you b***h.  All the women I’ve ever met have let me down.  I hate you all.  Die, b*****s.”

She was completely screwed.  Then she lost all consciousness.




The taste of blood was strong as she awoke disorientated.  Where the hell am I?  Her eyes ached terribly, but in front she could see a huge dark room with hardly any furniture, apart from a chair two metres from her.  What is going on, she couldn’t remember anything?  Then the fattest bloke she’d ever seen strolled in carrying a bag of what smelt like Chinese, and with a little trouble sat down on the chair while breathing heavily.  “So you’ve woken up,” he said aggressively.  “Ready to play some fun games.”  Then he giggled while sticking a chicken ball in his mouth.

Slowly the memories flooded back, and with this she screamed louder than she’d ever known.  “Let me go, you horrible freak.”

He stood up looking insulted as he chucked the bag of chicken balls at her, then he stormed off towards a door at the back of the room.  At one point he stopped, grabbing his chest.  “Not now,” he said quietly.

What did this mean, she thought, maybe she had a chance of escape.  If he had a heart attack, happy days for her.  Please die, you weird b*****d.  He took a step forward, still breathing with a little trouble.  Then he turned to her, his chin wobbling, before saying, “You won’t get rid of me that easily.  I have warrior steel in me.  Wait here, and I’ll be back shortly.”  Scratching his backside he farted loudly, then made his way with trouble to the entrance.

The smell made her gag, oh how disgusting.  She wanted to puke.  Who the hell was this person?  Thinking back she couldn’t recall ever seeing him before, so why did he hate her so much.  It didn’t make any sense.


She must of fallen asleep, opening her eyes everything seemed blurry and confusing.  When the reality of what had happened set in, distress was felt.  “What do you want from me you wanker?”

Straight away he rushed in while eating a burger.  He sat on the chair out of breath, clearly he was extremely unhealthy.  Maybe that was her only way of escaping, to gain his trust, then kick him in the balls really hard.  The bloke was so unfit he would probably have a heart attack the moment her toe hit that certain area.  Without realising she giggled at the thought.  Causing him to chuck his food down in anger.

“Are you laughing at me now?” he shouted, tears coming from his eyes.  He took a step towards her, anger on his face.  His chin still wobbling.

She couldn’t take this s**t any more.  “Well, what do you expect.  You kidnap me, take me away from my child.  And you want sympathy.  F**k you, you horrendous man.  You think it’s the way you look that make people hate you, no, it’s your sad way of looking at things that make people dislike you.  Do you understand, you idiot.”  Now she regretted what she’d said.  With baited breath she waited for a response.  Samantha peered up at him.  He was on the ground wiping his eyes, his knees positioned uncomfortably on the hard concrete.

She felt like she should comfort him, and said softly, “Look, don’t be so down on yourself.  I can understand why you did what you did, you felt helpless and scared, and you didn’t know what to do.  Kidnapping me seemed exciting and that’s something you probably haven’t experienced before.  The excitement I mean.  Can you understand what I’m saying to you?”

He peered up, still seeming a little depressed, but a more optimistic look on his face than previous.  He shook his head, before saying softly, “I made a mistake.  I’m so sorry.  It’s true what you said.  I feel so bad.”  He started to cry.  “I’ve messed up so much, and I can’t take any of it back.  And now you think I’m a horrible person.  I wished I’d died years ago, so people wouldn’t laugh at me any more.”

Oh my God, she thought.  I can’t believe I actually feel sorry for this person.  After everything he’d done.  “So what’s happened in your life to make it justified to do what you did to me?”  She needed answers.  Little Bobby at home was probably at wits ends, not understanding where his mummy was.  This broke her heart.  “Why?”

He wiped his eyes with a tissue that he’d got from his trouser pocket.  “I noticed you one day, I liked you.  Sorry, I made a mistake.”

She couldn’t help but feel sorry for him.  He must of led such a lonely life, and looking at him now he wasn’t in the best shape.  “I know what you did to me, taking me away from my beautiful child hasn’t earned you any browny points.  Untie my hands and feet, trust me.”

A look of surprise came over his face.  “Why would you want me to do this?  Do you think I’m that pathetic.”  He rubbed his cheeks not knowing what to think.

Samantha needed to be stern.  “Just untie me and I promise you everything will be all right.”

“In what way will it be all right.  If I untie you you’ll push me over and run for your life.  Then I’ll go to prison and people will bully me for being fat.”

“For God sake once in your life trust someone,” she shouted.  “Untie me now.”

Mumbling something under his breath he started to loosen the ropes from her arms.  He glanced up at her, sadness in his eyes.  “I’m only doing this because I realise now what a terrible thing I’ve done.  Do what you need too as I deserve my punishment for taking you away from your child.”  He began to sob as he loosened the rope around her ankles.

Finally she was free.  In his ear she whispered, “Close your eyes.”  With surprise he did what she’d asked.  She kissed him softly on the forehead, then her hands slid down his chest to the bottom of his sweaty trousers.  Undoing his flies she bent down.




Samantha stared at his dead body, blood ran from his crotch area.  She detested herself for what she’d just did to this poor soul, but she needed to get back to her beloved family.  “I’m so sorry,” she said quietly.  She stood with a little trouble, her mouth tasted terrible.  She spat some blood out and wiped her mouth.  The last few moments would now haunt her for evermore.  If anything, she’d put this sad man out of his misery.  A tear welled up, she used a tissue from her trouser pocket to get rid of it, like a bad dream which would linger until it had gone from sight.  It was time to go home.  “ I forgive you.”




She opened the door to the building that held such atrocious experiences, that for a little while her emotions got the better of her, and crouching down in the pouring rain she began to cry uncontrollably.  Tonight she had killed a man.  This was something she could never forgive herself for doing.  Even in the circumstances it was a horrendous thing to do.  How will she be able to live with herself after this, it was unsure as awful thoughts evaded her already fragile state.  “I’m a terrible, terrible person for doing such a horrible thing to such a harmless person who all in his life wanted to be accepted.  Now because of me, his aspirations are dead like him.”  

She got up, feeling far from optimistic.  The other thing that confused her greatly, he had kidnapped her, so he wasn’t that harmless after all, but in getting to know him she felt sorry for him.  “I’ll always remember you, but not in a bad way.  And I’m so sorry.”  All of a sudden a crash was heard from inside the building causing her to feel a little hope, but how could it be.  What she had did to him was the worst thing she’d ever done to anyone.  How the hell would he have survived that?  Without giving it much thought she rushed in like a parent to a child in danger, and the first thing she saw was his face in agony while he pulled himself up onto the chair.  Slight blood ran from his mouth, but more importantly he was still alive.

She ran to him, crying uncontrollably.  “I didn’t mean to, I made a mistake.  Please forgive me one day.  I promise, I’ll make it all better soon.”  In his pocket she found a mobile and dialled 999.




Within fifteen minutes the ambulance turned up.  Once they had vanished down the road heading to the local hospital, Samantha was in a state of confusion.  What the hell is going on?  The only reason she knew the location is because a newsagents she occasionally visited sat on the other side of the road.  She had noticed this earlier while she cried.  What a strange day, she kept thinking.  The most important thing now was to get back to her child, and give him a big kiss.  God, she missed him so much.  The thing that annoyed her the most she was more worried about the fat man who had kidnapped her.  Am I going crazy, I don’t even know him.  But somewhere inside she felt sorry for his bad luck, which caused him to act the way he did towards her.  Oh my God, I’m so confused.




Catching a taxi home and paying the man at the door, she rushed in to see her beloved boy.  He was sound asleep, unaware of everything.  This was a good sign.  “I love you,” she whispered in his left ear.  He twitched slightly, a smile appeared on his face.  At that moment she felt sheer joy.  




The hospital was busy.  Walking through the crowds was a nightmare, but

Samantha was determined to see how the man was.  If he died she would feel so bad.  In some ways she was lucky, because a few hours before she was determined to try anything to escape him, but now she felt bad at what she’d done.  Please, God, forgive me.  The woman at the desk who had a stern face pointed her to an upper floor, ward 3.  She proceeded towards the lift scratching her head, not knowing what to think.  Maybe the whole experience had messed her brain up so much, anything was possible.  It was hard to hate him, and that was the thing she couldn’t understand.  What he’d done to her was unforgivable, so why did she feel like she wanted to save him.  In the lift she scratched her forehead some more, completely transfixed in seeing he was okay, as for some bizarre reason it meant the world to her.  Why is this happening?




He must have been high on Morphine, the moment Samantha walked in he laughed while shouting, “Do you remember me, because you should.  It’s so funny really.”

“Look, I’m here to see how you are.  You’re lucky I didn’t go to the f*****g police.  What the hell is wrong with you?” she said sternly.

He seemed worried, he turned to the window, before saying quietly,”I’m so sorry, mum.”

Samantha was in complete shock, did she just imagine this.  She sat down needing some answers.  She peered over at him, and being the bright woman she was, she replied, “Now I understand.  That’s why you kidnapped me earlier, because you think I’m your mother, and for not being there for you, you wanted to punish me.  Am I right?”

He seemed upset while rubbing his head, before saying, “I shouldn’t of said it like that.  I’m so sorry.”  He seemed embarrassed while peering at the window once again.

She needed answers.  “Why would you call me your mum, when I’m clearly not,” she said sternly.

Sadness appeared in his eyes as he glanced at her, before replying unconfidently, “I made a mistake, I’m so sorry.”  With that he looked away clearly distressed.

“Well at least I didn’t kill you, which I’m very happy about.  I must go now back to my family.  I wish you all the best.”  With that she got up uncomfortably, then walked out the room.




A few days had passed.  Samantha couldn’t get what the young man had said to her out of her head.  It was driving her nuts.  Why would she care if the truth be told?  If anything he was the worst thing to ever happen to her, unless the trauma of it had sent her a bit mad.  Even still she needed answers.




“What did you mean when you called me mum?” she asked seriously.

His eyes didn’t seem so blank as the morphine had worn off temporarily.  He coughed a couple of times, before answering in the not most confident way, “Years ago you knew my dad, as he’d talk about you all the time.  Well, from what my dad says the relationship didn’t work out at the time.  So he met another woman, my step mum.”  He stopped and began to cry.

She neared him, putting a hand on his shoulder, then she said softly, “Carry on, please don’t be scared.”

“Ever since I was a kid she would be horrible to me.  Then it became physical.  But my dad talking about you in all the dark times made me want to find you, as if things had been different you would’ve been my proper mum.  Or in a better way of explaining it, I would have preferred you as my mum.  I’m so sorry that’s silly isn’t it.”  He looked embarrassed and peered down at the bed.

She didn’t know what to say really, as it was all a bit too weird for her to grasp, but she had an idea.  “When you leave hospital come and live with me and my young son for as long as you want.”

“No, I can’t do that.  Everything I put you through just proves what a lovely person you are.  I don’t deserve your generosity.  Thank you anyway.”

She needed to change the subject.  “I’m so sorry for biting that certain area, did I do much damage?”  Her face all of a sudden felt red hot.

He laughed, before replying, “It’s fine.  I still have it, my pecker I mean.”

Both laughed while wiping tears from their eyes.

“Please live with me and my son, if only for a little while.”

He seemed confused by this, but agreed.  “Okay.  Thank you very much.”

She was pleased by this.  “Brilliant.”




When he had left hospital he came to live with them.  If the truth be told, it turned out a lot better than he’d expected.  The boy whose name was Bobby loved his company, and the fun he had with her was brilliant.  The mum he never had.  If only life could’ve been this good when he was younger, without f**s been stubbed out on his arm because his step mum was too lazy to walk to an ashtray.  Still now it made him cry, but his new mum would hold him in her arms and tell him that everything was going to be okay, and this made him feel wonderful.  Finally an angel had arrived.  He felt blessed.


                          The End.

© 2017 steve

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1 Review
Added on December 1, 2017
Last Updated on December 6, 2017
Tags: woman, kid, psycho. kidnapped, hospital, stepmum, father, abuse




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