Just Breathe

Just Breathe

A Poem by KAREN

Breaking up is hard to do!


She sits under the weeping willow,

it's tears surrounding her in sorrow

She wanted to preserve her heart,

keep it from the pain of loosing another

For now all she can do is just breathe


Her eyes scan the open meadow,

it was secluded, no one to comfort her

She wishes to be happy,

have some kind of deliverance from her broken heart

But for now all she can do is just breathe


Must she sustain this misery?

Can her heart be plentiful again?

Will she find another love?

She slumps to the cold damp earth

There were no tears left,

they had dried up like a summer drought

She tries to just breathe


Suddenly she feels another  presence

She  looks through sadden eyes,

wondering if her prayers have been answered

In the distance she sees something,

is it him or an illusion?

She waits as the figure gets closer

Holding her breath in  anticipation,

unable to just breathe


She stands on shaky legs,

The silence cutting through her like knifes

She screams in disappointment as the horse stops,

grazing on the green grass


There was nothing left for her here

She climbs onto the beautiful blond horses back

and gallops away,

the wicked wind blowing through her hair

She tries to  muster up the strength........


© 2011 KAREN

Author's Note

Something I'm trying out for a contest, tell me what you think! We had to use wicked wind in the poem!

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I love your stories to tell. hah. Another wonderfully written piece! the first lines were perfect!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Nicely done.

Posted 13 Years Ago

This reads like something a bard would sing in a fairy tale. Well done!

Posted 13 Years Ago

I like the poem. Read like a story. You create a beautiful environment and interesting situation. Waiting gives you too much time to wonder. I like the ending. A outstanding poem. Thank you.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Just wonderful! I felt myself taking a deep yet simple, breath after reading this.. This had me in awe

Mags xx

Posted 13 Years Ago

This is well written stories :) And you know, I somehow fel all throughout reading that the end would be a bit of a suprise. You're so good at doing that^ I've thought about it, and have come to the conclusion that the horse bears more significance than it seems to at first... This format realy works for you. After reading I myself had to...

-Just Breathe^


Posted 13 Years Ago

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Even in your poems you tell a story. So nicely done, I could see it all as you described it. I hope you win.

Posted 13 Years Ago

when the complexities of life rear their complicated heads....it's hard to remember the simple things....like to "just breathe". :)

this is beautifully written.

Posted 13 Years Ago

A real master piece it is please do send it in the contest u will win for sure.
This poem has brought back memories for me when i left my ex, that is what i was doing heart broken and just breathing , awesome punch of emotions i am shelfing it.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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28 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on December 29, 2010
Last Updated on October 24, 2011
Tags: sad, meadow, breathe, love



Harrisville, MS

I love to write and cook! Me and my sister will soon be the author of a children's book titled Feelings Feelings Feelings, and a cookbook in the near future titled Two Heads In The Kitchen. I e.. more..


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