Fragments Of An Old Man's Life

Fragments Of An Old Man's Life

A Poem by KAREN


























Fragments of an old man's life

collide with younger thoughts.

Reminiscences about yesteryears,

and the youthful life he once lived.

Smooth skin is now disturbed with wrinkles,

and  his once sharp mind is fading

along with the diming of his eyes.


Images of his picturesque wife are vague,

but he still smells the scent of her

passing in the afternoon breeze.

The imprint of her dewy lips are

sometimes felt, and his cold-blooded

body warms at the small recollection

of holding her in his arms.

Now he just yearns to be with her.


Laughter resounds in his deaf ears

of a little boy and girl.

Cuddling them ambush his thoughts,

and his knee aches and still feels

the heaviness of their weight,

but remembrance of who they are

slips his fading mind.


Home was a place of warmheartedness.

Growth was done as a family.

Hard work still shows on his crinkled skin,

and pleasure he felt back then he still

wears on his aging face even though

in the passing of time nothing seems familiar.


He spends his days now in a new home

with people just like him, old and alone.

Ever now and then he catches a memory,

but mostly he sits and reminisce in fragments of an old man's life.




© 2011 KAREN

Author's Note

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Yes old age make us appreciate the small things. I try to enjoy time with family and create some good memories to look back on. I like the story. Description gave the man life and his story purpose. I like the ending to the outstanding story.

Posted 12 Years Ago

This one is full of pain, what a sad way to end up. It's scary because of the truth of it. You did a great job on this.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Oh wow this is truly touching my friend ! So heart felt and full of love and truth!! It really makes me want to embrace my family! Time goes by way to fast and we are left with our memories past. You really nailed this poem!! Very well done!!!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Very sad and disturbing. This is what we all have to look forward to if we survive that long. You did an outstanding job on writing this.

Posted 12 Years Ago

its sad that he cant truly remember his love and family but just those little fragments are just as magical...great piece expresses life and true result

Posted 12 Years Ago

Timeless...This is truly a classic piece. So heartfelt, in the moment of reflecting on life and love. Beautiful!

Posted 12 Years Ago

The essence of this is powerful and based on a unique art only a true wordsmith can accomplish.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Gripping, thought-provoking. I'm certain there are thousands of people like this in the world. We should remember to pray for them.

Great poem.

Posted 12 Years Ago

there is a reflectiveness to this poem and yet the sadness is at the end waiting to grasp us...nice

Posted 12 Years Ago

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34 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on November 12, 2011
Last Updated on November 24, 2011
Tags: Yesteryears, Family, Old, Love Wife, Husband, Children



Harrisville, MS

I love to write and cook! Me and my sister will soon be the author of a children's book titled Feelings Feelings Feelings, and a cookbook in the near future titled Two Heads In The Kitchen. I e.. more..
