The Vision

The Vision

A Poem by StormeLight

There I was,
In the mental hospital again
I lost my mind again
Lost inside of visions of the future
I couldn't comprehend to be true
They called it psychosis
They shoved a million pills down my throat
Seeing me as crazy
Hidden prophetess
The Shamans would have shouted
At the injustice of enslavement
Medicating and drowning the truth
There I was,
In the mental hospital again
Lost inside of visions of the future
They came into my room
Spraying chemicals for cleaning
But what it did to my senses
It threw me into visions
I saw doctors and scientists
Behind thin plastic barriers
Torturing common people
Who came to them for help
I saw fear
I saw terror
It happened like it was happening to me
Like it was happening now
I screamed bloody murder
In the light of day
The people in the hospital
They couldn't calm me down
I've never told anyone
Of the things that I've seen
It was easy to believe
None of it would be true
I saw the hospitals change
Before my eyes
An augmented reality
Like seeing this building in the present
And also in the future
Colliding into two
People turned in zombies
If this is metaphor I don't know
The hospitals grew dark
No longer a place to come for help
I saw the cause of the destruction
A few people behind the glass
Everyone could see what they were doing
But no one could stop them
They had too much to lose
People watched the common person tortured
I cried up to the sky
I looked up into the stars
Who can save us from this treachery
Who can save us from this treachery
When nurses are complicit in murdering
When doctors lock you away
The day we came to bleed
The day my heart knew it was all true
All the visions I had in the past
Every day that I lived another reality
That day is here now
The moments are now
This is the precipice that I saw
The one I prayed I would never live to see
The day that I became
Everything I was ever meant to be

© 2021 StormeLight

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Added on October 24, 2021
Last Updated on October 24, 2021
Tags: poem, poetry, fear, pain, hope, love, freedom, politics, political, government, propoganda, corruption



Orem, UT

Just a writer, artist, and singer-songwriter, trying to stay alive and inspired in this crazy world! more..
