Dear Good Sir Yonder, Signed Yours Ever So Truly

Dear Good Sir Yonder, Signed Yours Ever So Truly

A Story by Le Petit Conteur

A letter from the girl who waits for a future beloved.


Dear Good Sir Yonder,

I’ve never met you before, I haven’t seen your face just yet. But I am waiting patiently, and that will just have to do. In the meantime, I am content to busy myself about what I do best.

But I do have something to ask you.

You see, it’s far too easy for Yours Ever So Truly to sit here afraid of The Future, particularly you who belong to such a place. I wonder if the castles I’ve built will turn out anywhere near the same once I’ve reached that mysterious land. So I want to ask you a few things that I can put my mind at ease once and for all.

Good Sir Yonder, if it rains, would you come out and play in the puddles with Yours Ever So Truly? Will you see life the way I do, as a beautiful story drawn with many colors and really very delightful, even when it’s raining? Will you dance with me as the rain falls and dips down our smiling faces and soaks our hair? Will you love life with me, in all its paints and acrylics and crayons and water colors?

What if I told you in magic bubbles and silver threads stories of princes and princesses in the clouds? Would you delight in the fancies of my heart and the words I dance them out with like sweet marionettes across a makeshift stage found in an old attic? Could you listen until my words had ceased, or would they tire you out, Good Sir Yonder?

If you were running from trouble with Yours Ever So Truly and I were to lose my shoe, would you jump off our Speeding Horse to retrieve it for me? Would you rescue me from giants and slay dragons and wake me from deep slumbers? Might I suggest that maybe you would hold me as a sweet treasure to be kept safe against your chest and rescued from any danger possible? Would you, Good Sir Yonder?

If the sky were to cloud over and thunder to roll, convincing you that light would never pierce such darkness, would you trust Yours Ever So Truly when I say that things are never as bad as they seem and darkness never lasts as long as light, Good Sir Yonder? Would you let me hold you when you are stabbed in the side and nurse you back to health? Might you trust me and rest in my love for you and let me rescue every once in a while?

If I found the right bicycle and we located the right bridge into the Land of Fancy, would you let Yours Ever So Truly sit on the handle bars as you pedaled us there, Good Sir Yonder? Would you go on a journey with me, I as your sidekick, to places far and wide where we can touch everything black and white and bring it to color? Would you be the strength and I’ll be the lookout and maybe we can trace a map with our trail that spells I love you?

I ask, Good Sir Yonder, because I wonder if you care for me. I care for you ever so greatly and I’d like to know if you do so as well. My heart feels just a little lonesome in this little house in my field, so forgive me if it seems I doubt you. But I just want to know. Does your love at all compare to mine, or does it belong to this Land of Fancy that I’ll pedal my own bicycle to alone?

I’m waiting vigilantly, and I won’t give up, so have no fear, Good Sir Yonder. Just know that the wait isn’t entirely easy. But wait I will until you knock on my door and I greet you with a kiss.


Yours Ever So Truly

© 2016 Le Petit Conteur

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Added on January 5, 2016
Last Updated on January 5, 2016
Tags: Christian, Letter, Love, Waiting


Le Petit Conteur
Le Petit Conteur

Annapolis, MD

I love silence and that which breaks it, fills it, and manipulates. I'm a philosopher, writer, harpist, pianist, musician, listener, speaker, reader, yes man, INTP college student, life student, the g.. more..
