Falling flower

Falling flower

A Story by Sulan

This isnt real, but i just thought it was a good story to share. This is just a rough draft

     Jane was 7 years old who was loving and stainless. She was so  beautiful. She was so compassionate. Oh boy, I'm getting used to the word "used" . What happened you ask? Jane became missing on October 31, 2018. Ironic, right?  Halloween, my poor girl became missing . I never thought that she could become a victim to anything but sadly she was. My daughter! I came home from work one day, her grandpa was supposed to watch her while I had a quick meeting. It was on a Saturday. The weather was so beautiful. I come home and my dad is on the ground not breathing. I call 911. My hands are shaking and all i can think about is how this is my fault. When i get done with the call, I  soon realize my daughter is no where in sight.I look around the house screaming her name, but i heard nothing but silence. i go outside and start screaming her name and all I could hear was the echo of my scream in the empty neighborhood. The playground in our neighborhood was empty. No children, no laughs, no birds singing. in that moment i knew something was wrong. The swing was swinging bucks of the wind . The whole universe was crumbling around me. I knew I lost her forever. I felt nothing from that day on. Police were trying to find evidence for anything, footprints, bodies. I felt useless.I was walking on the sidewalk to get some air because it feels like my heart is on fire.While im walking, I see my baby girl on the top of the mountain standing with a guy right behind her. I scream to her and tell her to get back. The mountain was so high and if she were to fall that was the end of her. I called e 911 and before I got the chance to talk to them my baby girl fell of the mountain. I fall to the ground. I lost her for sure. I couldn't cry because I couldn't feel anything. Everything was a blur. While my baby girl was falling she screamed "I love you mommy". The police come rushing to the scene and arrest the guy. The guy was a white man 6'2 . He took my baby and made her commit suicide. I went home just wanting to end my life. I had nothing to loose . I wasn't happy. I was mad all the time. I could'nt control my temper. I cried and cried more each day. A week later, a cop comes to my home and tells me my baby was raped. He told me that he has life in prison. I then relized this world isn't safe. People need to watch their backs. There are evil people in the world. How could anyone do that to my poor baby? I screamed and screamed until I didn't hear echoes anymore. I screamed till I heard my heart beat stop. 

© 2018 Sulan

Author's Note

Do i need to chaneg anything

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Ending is so sad !!!
the story is good what you have written is on the point that evil exist story conveys that.

I am just worried about you are 15 year old and you are exploring themes like rape and murder...
My first suggestions to you is read about rapes and murders why do they happen ? what makes a human being so mad to do this cruel act?. Do the research. Or you might have done?
But what I felt is missing is uniqueness in the story. We all know the stories of rapes and murder I have heard about it or seen movie about it but what makes it unique is why? Why the evil raped her ? Why is he evil?

Posted 6 Years Ago


6 Years Ago

Well, although i am just 15 years old i have some experience because my close friend was raped and t.. read more

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1 Review
Added on May 30, 2018
Last Updated on May 30, 2018



nashville, TN

I am a 15 year old. I am young, and truthfully i want to know what you guys think of my work. I obviously can't tell my family how they think because no matter what they will always say its good. I wa.. more..