As They Came Down

As They Came Down

A Poem by Summer Windton

A poem in rememberance of that terrifying day: 9/11

Smoke filled the air,
He struggled to breathe.
Wondering if he was gonna make it,
He was only thirteen.

It happened so fast,
He didn't know what happened.
He was walking to school,
When it happened.

People crying, bleeding,
Tossed upon the street.
Motionless and unmoving,
Their death they arranged to meet.

He replayed it in his head,
In his blurred memories he seemed to drown.
He remembered ever so clearly,
As the Twin Towers came down.

We will always remember that day, September 9, 2011.

© 2011 Summer Windton

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Such a sad write, well expressed.

Posted 12 Years Ago

There is much here to be appreciated. The balance of your words is exquisitely detailed.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Wow, brought tears to my eyes...what a tragic event for all. Powerful write.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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awww i hate sad stories i very sensitive to these type of things considering they really make me cry. God bless their hearts and eeryone else's. :')

Posted 12 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on September 11, 2011
Last Updated on September 16, 2011
Tags: towers, twin towers, 9/11, brave, boy, sadness, remember


Summer Windton
Summer Windton

I'm like the wind. I come and go. Born of the wind, and I will go back, with the wind. Some write for fortune, some for fame. Some because of grief or envy. I write because it was my destiny. .. more..

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A Poem by Summer Windton